Got one on det.......
Ahhhhh....the det/deployment ink

Got one on det.......
Ahhhhh....the det/deployment inkIs it one your still proud of? (meaning somewhat sober when needled)
Ink away.
you can take nice flying job earning more money than you can imagine.
My Grandfather did ... he was a 'cook' and a deckhand on an Aussie freighter @ the turn of the (last) century on 'tramp steamers' ... he told me a LOT of 'stories' ... he had some righteous 'tats' .... but he wasn't a USN Officer, either.
HEY!!! You guys who are former E-men ... ROCK ON ... I've ALWAYS 'admired' tats on your arms & dragons on your Bluejacket sleeves while walkin' down the streets of Wanchai , or Taipei, Kaohsiung, or Singapore, .... wherever. It's part of 'where you came from' ... so NO PROBLEM.
But: for you guys today who are NOT former E-men ...
It's weak. It's a 'desperate', semi-rebellious attempt on YOUR part to be 'one of the guys'. The airlines KNOW that -- and they don't want 'rebels'. Period. And I don't really CARE who tries to rebut this ... like I said; if it's a 'good thing' ... let's take the kids to the 'tat parlor' to watch Daddy/Mommy get branded for ... LIFE.
Let's put it this way ... when you go for the airlines (as @ 90% of you WANT to do) ... if the Company flight Doc see's 'tats' on your body ... you just lowered your chances by a factor of 50%, so let us hope the competition is not too 'stiff'. Don't believe me?? I interviewed candidates for two (2) major airline ... so what the fuck do YOU know ... and I KNOW whereof I speak ...
So please ... for you guys who are 10-20-30 years junior to me ... gimme a break. 'Cause I KNOW what I'm talkin' about ... and YOU are just tryin' to justify your previous life-style choices.
Experience talks ... bullshit (and what you 'wish' was reality) walks.
nothing peaks out from under my shirt
To quote Mr. Han Solo,"More than I can imagine, eh? I can imagine quite a bit."
besides, i never could decide on something cool enough to wear forever.
... unrecognizable blobs of blurry ink on old skin...
How about brands on forearms? Will that stop me from getting a commission?
and since we're on the topic I'd appreciate other info:
saw a guy recently with Airforce wings on a blk/gld navy suit??what is he? jet/helo?Navy or AF? Anyway.. I heard all fighter/bomber folks are all at least 6'2 or so because of the high speeds or something ?? Is that true?
and.. what is max age for Navy/AF pilot/NFO??
...separate me away !!