He bowls overhand.
Is it your contention that there exists an adversary that....Again, do you think platform signals have changed in the last 25 years?
Do you think the asset used for target positive ID was used in 2000?
Do you think the same BDA tools were used in 2000?
- Lacks the technology for persistant ISR capabilities to have previously observed military operations in Yemen
- Lacks the intel community framework to analyze and predict US cyclic operations in Yemen that have been occuring for well over a year to ever previously deployed non-persistent assets on station to observe U.S. operations
- Despite these shortfalls, is capable enough to deploy a dedicated non-persistent ISR platform with under 2 hours notice and...
- This non-persistant ISR platform is sophisticated and capable enough to collect first-of-its-kind intel on the U.S. F2T2EA killchain and TTPs that will expose a previously unknown critical vulnerability akin to discovering the plans to the Death Star?
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