Have you looked at the waiver guide? It states NFO must get 7 out of 10 or better on the 20/20 Goodlite chart line. My recruiters were flakey when it came to consistent information (no offense to them, I understand it comes down from on high inconsistently) so you have to learn to be your own advocate and seek out as much information as possible. I would've been NPQ a half dozen times if I hadn't persisted, and even after that my NRD tried to keep me from going to OCS within this decade by keeping me in a medical holding purgatory for over eight months while waiting for feedback on an achilles injury...don't let someone else possibly jeopardize your potential career field because they say you can't do something - NO isn't always a final answer, there's always waivers and exemptions to the rule.
My advice: decide if you want to be a naval officer first, and then what you would want to do if worst case you couldn't do SNA or SNFO. I had the misfortune of being redesignated from SNA to NFO while at OCS (was up in the air for 11 weeks, almost NPQ from both SNA and NFO, but didn't find out until "Hi-Moms" Thursday night before graduation that I was NFO). I can't tell you how many times I thought about quitting or what I would do instead of aviation (and I had a LOT of crap happen while up there...), but in the end I knew that I wanted to stay in the Navy and make the most of what my career can offer.
So think it over long and hard before making a decision - don't decide too quickly and give up a coveted spot that may not come again, but also don't be that guy that gets pro-rec, final select, and then days before reporting to OCS decides to quit before even giving it a shot (and essentially taking away someone else's pro-rec). I have no problem with those that give up a day, week or month into OCS after they decide their mentality doesn't fit the mold, but to not even try is the worst - you only have so many opportunities, and for naval aviation and naval officers in general there are age limits and time isn't slowing down. Best of luck, and feel free to ask us any other questions (I'm currently dealing with the SNA->NFO eyesight issues as well here with NAMI) and I will do my best to help or jbweldon04 would be a great help too as he's in the know.