The SLEP includes a structural enhancement of the center wing, significant navigational upgrades including the addition of GPS and the dual CAINS II Navigation System, the addition of crash survivable flight incident recorders, and a Ground Proximity Warning System. The first upgraded C-2A(R) left NAVAIR Depot North Island on September 12, 2005, after sitting on the ground for three and a half years while the SLEP was developed and installed. A second airframe is currently nearing completion and it is anticipated that the remaining 34 aircraft will all undergo the SLEP upgrade within the next five years as operations and schedule permit.
The C-2's are all going through Critical Service Life Extension Program which well let them stay in service until 2027.
From Wikipedia: C-2A(R) Greyhound
Ok Bunk, we know your out of the community but don't forget the good times. The RAG, VT-4 in the good old days and dealing with that Skipper who thought flying at night was a great ideaSucker!
Back in the late 90s we did paradrops and CRRC often while home. I dropped three different services and the SEALS loved us for what we could provide. Nothing like climbing to 15K in about 5 minutes. The used to call us the elevator, especially compared to the small single engine aircraft that they would contract for training. Even though the C-130 is the preferred method for dropping them they didn't like dealing with the Air Force SpecOp bubbas. To many rules, trust me I know that now since I switched to the dark side.
Besides, theres nothing like doing an emergency descent after dropping your "cargo" and watching them land near the runway while you carefully count who is all there. Man I miss some of the missions we used to do.
I had heard rumors that they had brought back training for paradrops. IMO it could be a valuable option for a mission from the Carrier. However, with today's money issues in all the services and no replacement in sight it will loose it's support. Thank goodness for the GOOD OLD DAYS, right Bunk
After 9 years in the community you still haven't learned how to write about our C2/E2 pipeline. I give up on you old bald buddy.
It's the equilvalent of polishing a turd. I'm glad I'm done with that airframe. I think at some point, one is going to go down due to aircraft issues and only at that time, will something be done to replace the aircraft......the SLEP planes are going to take quite some time before all C-2's are complete.
I posted my comments on the other thread. It rumbled back when I was flying in the late 90s. I just can't imagine why they would, so far what I've read it would be a loss in logistical capabilities but I'm no expert on the V-22.
Looks like it is a very capable aircraft. Just depends on how easy it is to change the configuration while deployed. How long does it take to download, upload the aircraft on the deck. How would the Boss and Handler like dealing with an aircraft that doesn't land or launch with the rest of the airwing. Many questions that I'm sure some Stars will be looking at in the future.
Heck, might even give Bunk an opportunity to shine in the future with trying to replace the relic of a COD. Wait a minute, don't shine that turd too much, right? Maybe that's what our buddy in Pax is working on for the future of the community huh.