I was the one who asked A4s what the BFD was. He regularly shit on military flying as if landing on a boat or in a brownout LZ was somehow lesser than flying from Chicago to DC. He would assert that military pilots were fools for not going to what he would call “the SHOW.” His caps, not mine.
He still couldn’t explain what was so special about airline flying. It’s a job. An important job, yes, but certainly not the pinnacle of aviation accomplishment.
He was, and is, an arrogant dick.
Airlines are the pinnacle for many people, but I agree with you. I have found the arrogance in the community to be off-putting on more than one occasion.
The worst offender was the guy who worked for a popular application review service. We were going through my record and he saw my matrix of types/hours and says “Is that all? I thought you were a test pilot! The board will wonder why there aren’t more airplanes on this list.” (I had 38 airplanes listed). He also insisted that no amount of hours the squadron would give me on deployment was good enough, I had to get more, somehow. (As if asking the skipper for more hours or something was an option.)
It was a very strange record review, particularly since this guy was prior military. I came away thinking no amount of work on my part would ever impress an airline.