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There are some messed up people in this world.


Cereal Killer
Part of me wishes he caught those a-holes before the cops did...


Doe-eyed Hopeful
I can't decide if I'm happy that he didn't catch them because he stayed out of trouble or if I'm disappointed he didn't catch them because they deserved whatever he had to give them.


Well-Known Member
Completely Agree. I can only imagine what was going through this gents mind as he had the perps "in his sights". Then these dudes talked smak to him once they were confronted?

Too bad we don't give the first responding officer in this country the latitude to just walk away and leave the perps to face thier victims in these types of cut and dry crimes.


Well-Known Member
Something tells me he could have easily killed those bastards and a jury of his "Texan" peers would have acquitted him.

Those guys are serious pieces of shit and deserve a lot more than 6 months. I can think of only a few things worse than cruelty to animals. Really indicative of a person and their sociopathy.

-Dog lover


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Is there anyway to personally do something for Mr. Luttrell? I'd be willing to bet a few dog breeders would be willing to try and set him up with something to help him cope...


Will Over Skill
Wow....So many things wrong with that story I don't know where to begin..

First off I am away from home for 2 months and I just got a new Jack Russel pup a few months ago so I miss him.

Second what the fuck were these guys thinking taking out a Navy SEAL's dog?!?!?!?!?!?! I don't care if they had a gun or not that guy could of beaten their asses two ways from sunday... 90% of me wishes he would of gotten ahold of them.. the other 10% I agree is glad he didnt..that would of been bad news for him when the cops got there.. If I was him I would of tried to get the cops to let me have some "Fanroom counseling" with them in custody haha.


Growler LSO
"Lone Survivor" Marcus Luttrell's dog killed

Some real assholes murdered Marcus Luttrell's dog along with a lot of other dogs in Texas. After chasing them down with his car he held them at gunpoint until the cops arrived. They had no idea who they were messing with. In another article they threatened to go after Marcus Luttrell after they were released, good luck to them! The worst part about it, that was the dog that was given to him to help him through therapy.



Registered User
Goddamn I feel some rage right now. I think justice would be to lock these two in a room with Luttrell.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
There is a video floating around the web of Luttrell speaking at an NRA convention. He apologizes for what he is wearing because he had just been released from jail and had to come straight to his appearance. The night before some guy "with a foreign accent" took note of Luttrel's cowboy belt buckle in the hotel bar. When the guy started to dis president Bush for being a cowboy Luttrell showed him the door, head first, and learned the guys some manners, cowboy style.


"I believe in ammunition"
I heard him call into the Glenn Beck Radio Program yesterday, possibly the phone call referenced in the article. He said he never "dropped below 110 mph through four counties" even though he can't normally pull out of his driveway without getting stopped. I also caught him saying something about him loading up to go take out the guys after the arrest or something along those lines, but then backing down and realizing he can't do that. Guys had a bit of tough luck lately.

A few years ago I was driving my girlfriend home at night and caught a small black lab mix in my headlights wandering around in the middle of the road. I avoided it and pulled into a nearby driveway and hopped out, hoping to corral it before the inevitable happened. We were just over the crest in a small hill on a narrow, busy two-lane road where traffic tends to move pretty fast. I started calling to it and was within a few feet of the pup when this huge lifted truck comes barreling over the rise and drills the dog. It was yelping like crazy and obviously down for the count. The truck flashed its brake lights and cruised into town. I pulled it off to the shoulder and just kinda stood there like, WTF am I supposed to do now? I remember wishing I had a pistol so as to put it out of its misery. This sucks... girlfriend freaking out, dog dying at my feet, some asshole in a beater truck headed to the bar... bad night.

I think it bothered me more because the dog reminded me of mine a lot, a runt of a black lab. I know if someone messed with my dog like that, they'd be in for some kind of beating. The self-restraint Luttrell showed is incredible.


Registered User
Idiots are lucky to be alive. If they are stupid enough to go after him after they are released then, the gene pool will be a little cleaner.