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There are some messed up people in this world.


Registered User
While I'm pretty pissed about what those degenerates did, they in no way deserve to be shot. Marcus clearly did the right thing in his restraint. I hope that those of you that carry/own guns do not really think that shooting someone over a dog is appropriate.

Protecting property. It's a right to use deadly force to protect your property in some states, Texas is one of those states IIRC. AND how would you know they were shooting at your dog? Makes what these idiots did look even stooopider. To turn the tables, how stupid is it to risk losing your ass over a dog? You gonna sell it after you shoot it?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
When they start shooting, the appropriate response changes.

The inherent right of self-defense and proportionality are a good defense if they were shooting at him...that wasn't the case.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
You need to read up on some Texas case law.

Show me in Texas Case Law where someone has been acquitted for a justifiable homicide after chasing/stalking them several blocks off the property.


Registered User
How did he know that? If he thought they had been trying to rob him, and shot the dog when it started barking at them, and he thought that they were about to commit another aggravated robbery, then he is covered.

This is not hard.


Registered User
Show me in Texas Case Law where someone has been acquitted for a justifiable homicide after chasing/stalking them several blocks off the property.

I believe at the time of the "chasing" he was on the phone with LE directing them. If they stop he still has the right to defend himself.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
How did he know that? If he thought they had been trying to rob him, and shot the dog when it started barking at them, and he thought that they were about to commit another aggravated robbery, then he is covered.

This is not hard.

There was no aggravated robbery in the first place.
He left his house and chased them down the street...he didn't think they were going to come back and commit an aggravated robbery.


He bowls overhand.
So Texas has nothing about actually being in imminent danger as a requirement to shoot someone?

First, I don't think that a dog's life and a human's life are equal. While it is despicable that these guys shot the dog, I do not think that killing these assholes is justified. A beatdown, yes, but not killing.

Second, he had to go out looking for these guys.

I'm with FMRAM...PTSD angle might work, but self defense is a hard sell given the facts in the article. If he were acquitted in Texas, it'd be because of his celebrity-esque status ala OJ Simpson.


Registered User
Show me in Texas Case Law where someone has been acquitted for a justifiable homicide after chasing/stalking them several blocks off the property.

Well, this one was not several blocks, but it is pretty close.


^^^Guy pulls up to his house, sees his neighbor's home being robbed. Calls 911, tells operator that he is going to get his gun and stop it. 911 tells him no way, several times. He does not care, gets his gun and shoots one of them dead in his neighbor's yard.

No charges filed.

You need to forget about what you think you know. Texas juries WILL NOT CHARGE someone in a case like this. They just won't.


He bowls overhand.
The facts there are still different; the perps were in the middle of committing a crime. In this article, the crime was done. There was no subsequent robbery/assault/attempted murder in progress. You're trying to argue that killing the perps is justified because they might subsequently rob/shoot someone else. Even in Texas, I don't think speculation like that flies in the courtroom.

Let's call a spade a spade here: if former SEAL catches bad guy and kills him, it's not self defense; it's revenge.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I'm going to respectfully disagree. I think this discussion is productive because it provokes critical thinking. Good evening gentlemen.


The facts there are still different; the perps were in the middle of committing a crime. In this article, the crime was done. ... You're trying to argue that killing the perps is justified because they might subsequently rob/shoot someone else. Even in Texas, I don't think speculation like that flies in the courtroom.
You're wrong. It's always subjective, but it "flies" in Texas and I have specifics to back up what I'm posting here ...


Dirty Hinge
Call it revenge; I don't care. Someone shoots my dog, cat, or horse for any reason other than self defense (my cat is pretty vicious) and I get to them, with my firearm, before the police, they will be shot with the intent of killing them. End of story. Mrs. Pickle agrees.


FY 09 CORE Selectee!
In this case I would disagree that the situation is Dog<Human. Or even that it equates to family pets being family members which i agree with...my dogs are like my kids. This man went through a horrific event, watched his friends die and couldnt do anything accept escape to keep himself alive. SEAL teams are very close, closer than most families are these days and he couldnt do anything but get away and leave his friends bodies to be treated like garbage and paraded through the streets. Dasy was his lifeline to the world when he got back, how he was able to cope and try to deal with life. These guys, probably unaware of who's dog it was, took that from him. Violence once again took his closest friend. He showed amazing restraint in what he did, but if he hadn't castle laws or PTSD would be moot points. No matter what defence they used, no one who knew what he had been through would convict him. But he didn't, he showed restraint, and followed them until they were caught by proper authorities. I admire his strength. I cant imagine.