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There are some messed up people in this world.


While I'm pretty pissed about what those degenerates did, they in no way deserve to be shot. Marcus clearly did the right thing in his restraint. I hope that those of you that carry/own guns do not really think that shooting someone over a dog is appropriate.
Personally ... I would not lose one second's sleep over these miscreants' demise ... animal abuse is one of the symptoms of a "pattern of behavior" that goes far beyond the specific act of shooting someone's dog/cat/horse/... whatever. These individuals represent some of the lowest scum extant in our society.

BUT: as satisfying as it might be to blow these assholes away, it's not worth taking yourself out in order to put them down. Luttrell did the right thing in vectoring the local LEO's into the situation -- in fact, he may have even been pushing the envelope in some jurisdictions doing as much as he did -- it's probably a good thing it happened in Texas.

Too bad the creeps didn't try to "attack him" ... :)


He bowls overhand.
Call it revenge; I don't care. Someone shoots my dog, cat, or horse for any reason other than self defense (my cat is pretty vicious) and I get to them, with my firearm, before the police, they will be shot with the intent of killing them. End of story. Mrs. Pickle agrees.

Which is why we have laws preventing people from taking 'justice' into their own hands.


His blood smells like cologne.
Was in his twin brother's OCS class. I don't know what to say other than these guys are as smart as they are tough. Morgan (his brother) struck me as the type that could definitely kill someone in the blink of an eye, but he was always PERFECTLY calm, at all times. If he did kill someone, it would have been a thought out, calculated move. Nothing riled his temper up or got his blood boiling (or at least seemed to). He showed zero emotion at all times. It almost bordered on being hilarious at times, nothing got to him.

Although his brother was probably boiling inside because someone shot his dog, he kept his composure and made a calculated decision. That's what SEALS are trained to do right?

My .02


Well-Known Member
Which is why we have laws preventing people from taking 'justice' into their own hands.

For those who grew up in places they deem more "civilized" than Texas, there is the LAW and there is JUSTICE..

Just happens to be that the LAW and JUSTICE are often closer in Texas than say NY.

Things that would make people from Boston, SoCal or NYC shit themselves and "that cannot POSSIBLY be legal" are indeed legal in Texas..

Sorry if it offends your delicate sensibilities.

Disclaimer- I'm not a Texan, but have lived there for ~3 years total and like their way of dealing with this stuff better than anywhere else I have lived. FL (where I was born and have lived ~6 years total) is close, but the urbanites and NY expats to the south end of the state keep it from getting as good as TX.. But it's close.

People from the Boston area (where I grew up) are borderline scared of what I could legally do in FL, TX and NH.


Well-Known Member
Was in his twin brother's OCS class. I don't know what to say other than these guys are as smart as they are tough. Morgan (his brother) struck me as the type that could definitely kill someone in the blink of an eye, but he was always PERFECTLY calm, at all times. If he did kill someone, it would have been a thought out, calculated move. Nothing riled his temper up or got his blood boiling (or at least seemed to). He showed zero emotion at all times. It almost bordered on being hilarious at times, nothing got to him.

Although his brother was probably boiling inside because someone shot his dog, he kept his composure and made a calculated decision. That's what SEALS are trained to do right?

My .02

Threadjack: As much as I respect both of the Luttrell's for their service, I hear you all called him "Sir" at OCS even though he was just your class prez? That sounds pretty gay to me.



Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Call it revenge; I don't care. Someone shoots my dog, cat, or horse for any reason other than self defense (my cat is pretty vicious) and I get to them, with my firearm, before the police, they will be shot with the intent of killing them. End of story. Mrs. Pickle agrees.
Guess it is a personal thing. My animals are part of my family, but to me animals do not equal people (despite what Peta says), so I wouldn't hunt someone down and kill them if they killed my daughter's guinea pig, rabbit, chinchilla, our cat, or our two dogs. I love all of the animals (OK, just the two dogs), but I'm not going to be locked away on murder charges because some psycho decided to off my cat.


His blood smells like cologne.
Threadjack: As much as I respect both of the Luttrell's for their service, I hear you all called him "Sir" at OCS even though he was just your class prez? That sounds pretty gay to me.


Haha... Dude, if you were in the class, you would've too. (all 50ish of the other candidates in the class did (including a Chief)). It was a respect thing more than anything else.... He'd been a SEAL for 9 years, been all over the world, and had a lot of knowledge to impart on everyone. He didn't ask for anyone to call him sir, we just did.

Everyone in that class learned more from him about the importance of good leadership and being an officer than you could probably appreciate. He'd take time to help everyone out, and If you were there, you would understand. He wasn't just some jo schmo class pres right out of college like you guys had. Believe it.

P.S. Your post is seething with bitterness... It's Friday... Have a beer and chillax. :D


Does not play well with others!™
Call it revenge; I don't care. Someone shoots my dog, cat, or horse for any reason other than self defense (my cat is pretty vicious) and I get to them, with my firearm, before the police, they will be shot with the intent of killing them. End of story. Mrs. Pickle agrees.

Guess it is a personal thing. My animals are part of my family, but to me animals do not equal people (despite what Peta says), so I wouldn't hunt someone down and kill them if they killed my daughter's guinea pig, rabbit, chinchilla, our cat, or our two dogs. I love all of the animals (OK, just the two dogs), but I'm not going to be locked away on murder charges because some psycho decided to off my cat.

I'm not saying I'd kill them, but bring them to justice? You bet I would!