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Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm............


he will die without safety brief
The way that some of you guys write about this incident - and I'll admit I don't know a lot about it - makes it sound like the guy really wanted to shoot down the F-4 and/or kill the dudes inside... is that really what happened?


Super Moderator
The way that some of you guys write about this incident - and I'll admit I don't know a lot about it - makes it sound like the guy really wanted to shoot down the F-4 and/or kill the dudes inside... is that really what happened?

He knew it was an American aircraft at the time, he apparently said as much in the investigation after, and still made the shot. He had even seen it tank from a KC just minutes earlier and followed it towards the carrier.


This guy failed. But I submit that if a 1000 JOs could have been in his exact same shoes, he wouldn't have been the only one. You're naive if you think otherwise. I'm not saying all or even most would have, but it's very clear that there are multiple failures-the Navy even did a good job developing more safeguards to prevent a re-occurance. Hold him accountable, but not at the expense of excusing everyone/thing else. But don't BLAME him or them, simply hold accountable. There's a difference. Accountability you can learn and grow from, simply blaming is a game 5 years olds play. There's actually a sang in IJET/AJET that if you haven't downed a flight, you make people almost more nervous. Because they don't know if you're an individual that realizes you are capable of mistakes. And for the record, I think a guy getting fired for videos he made 5-6 years ago is stupid...kinda the point I was trying to make about the internet.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
There's actually a saying in IJET/AJET that if you haven't downed a flight, you make people almost more nervous. Because they don't know if you're an individual that realizes you are capable of mistakes.

or you're solid on your procedures and following instruction correctly...


Well-Known Member
I made it through flight school twice with no downs. It can be done.

And I did/still make mistakes all the time. The trick is to keep them small and learn from them.

Sent from my PH44100 using Tapatalk


Internet killed the television star
There's actually a sang in IJET/AJET that if you haven't downed a flight, you make people almost more nervous. Because they don't know if you're an individual that realizes you are capable of mistakes.

That's a pretty big stretch right there. I know a lot of great pilots who know what mistakes are and never downed a flight through flight school.


Death by Snoo Snoo
I also know people who downed flights but are otherwise awesome pilots. Not sticking up for the guy, but we could all go back and forth on this one all day.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently

Alright, as a humble civvy, I am confused about the background of the Timothy W. Dorsey story. So the guy shoots down an Air Force plane during a no-fire war game exercise. Because I know nothing: If it's a no-fire exercise, why are jets still armed with missiles? Is it to make sure the jet weighs the same amount as it would in a normal situation, maybe? Or do they just not bother disarming the missiles because, "Psh, what are the odds the pilot will be stupid enough to actually fire these?"


Well-Known Member
As a Staff Officer I'm going to sit this one out and let the trigger pullers answer. However, this bit of info caught my attention:

"Fished out of the water and taken to the Saratoga, Ross waited for an apology from Dorsey. It did not come until last year, when the former Air Force pilot received a note from Dorsey as his nomination was pending in the Senate Armed Services Committee."


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
As a Staff Officer I'm going to sit this one out and let the trigger pullers answer. However, this bit of info caught my attention:

I imagine it read something like this:

"Hey Mr. Ross, sorry I almost blowed you and your buddy up, friends k? Vote for me!"


Registered Member
Was reading elsewhere.. People were asking about Dorsey's HUD footage:

Capt Dorsey made a video too. His HUD video he took that day. I've seen it and it is without a doubt, a act that was done deliberately and shows how his mind was, from the beginning, ready to shooy. He even thought that Lt Col Ross was dropping Chaff at him.