I hope this clears things up a bit.
Yesterday, A-Pool started PTing with the Aircrew. To be brutally honest, we got killed. We all were obviously not able to keep up with Aircrew.
Today at muster the Student Control Ensigns allowed a open forum, to an extent, about how PT went. There was a dozen or so vocal comments about how we shouldn't be PTing with aircrew, or we should have an easier PT session, etc... The general nature of the vocal comments was one of entitlement to an easier time.
PO2 must have been hanging out in back listening to these Ensigns go on about how there life is being ruined by PTing with Aircrew. So in his own way, he came up and stated his piece. When he came up he said, "With respect to all officers in the room," and then went on (in his own way) to tell us that we shouldn't be considering ourselves better then the Aircrew. One Ensign decided to not allow PO2 complete any of his sentences, and so PO2 left.
We wrapped up with a couple more vocalizations of entitlement, and then Student Control Ensigns informed us that if we get together with the PT program, we might get Tuesdays and Thursdays off.
Over all I am disappointed. We obviously need to get into better physical condition, and the Command has decided that PTing with Aircrew is how we are going to do it. Besides that not allowing PO2 to complete his thoughts, and showing total disrespect is not how we as Ensigns show be acting. It's a horrible example of leadership, beside total disregard for the Navy as a whole. We are privileged to be here, and we have a sweet deal. I don't understand why we can't be content with what we have.