Hmmm. Me thinks making a thread on the internet is not really going to make a difference. Maybe you should address the entire group tomorrow at PT? Not that they'd probably listen anyway.
Unfortunately I was at NOMI so I wasn't there for this spectacle, but from talking to other a-poolers, they wouldn't say it was a harsh "berating" as this thread makes it seem. In fact, they didn't seem too shocked about what happened because the mouthy Ensigns were saying everything that everybody was thinking. It's just some of us have the presence of mind to keep it to ourselves because it's not like a-pool is very demanding, with or without PT.
Point here is that we're in a group of 414 (when I checked in) conflicting egos and personalities who all make the same amount of money and want their opinions heard. In such a large group, there are those who are going to take it to the extreme, it doesn't mean that we're all jacked up officers because of the opinions of a select few, just in the same way we're not all PT incompetent just because a few tubbies failed their PRT for API.
The PT is garbage by the way. I remember one of the exercises being ten forward arm circles and another being only FIVE 8-count body builders. PT here is a joke. I PT outstanding and feel like this is a waste of time but continue with it because it's not like I have anything more important to do. So I can see the reason for resentment.
It seems like we're missing the point of PT. It's supposed to help us stay in shape and do well on the PRT, not to be some collection of hoorah-loving Ensigns in crisp formation and as a PT demonstration team to aircrew.
Unfortunately I was at NOMI so I wasn't there for this spectacle, but from talking to other a-poolers, they wouldn't say it was a harsh "berating" as this thread makes it seem. In fact, they didn't seem too shocked about what happened because the mouthy Ensigns were saying everything that everybody was thinking. It's just some of us have the presence of mind to keep it to ourselves because it's not like a-pool is very demanding, with or without PT.
Point here is that we're in a group of 414 (when I checked in) conflicting egos and personalities who all make the same amount of money and want their opinions heard. In such a large group, there are those who are going to take it to the extreme, it doesn't mean that we're all jacked up officers because of the opinions of a select few, just in the same way we're not all PT incompetent just because a few tubbies failed their PRT for API.
The PT is garbage by the way. I remember one of the exercises being ten forward arm circles and another being only FIVE 8-count body builders. PT here is a joke. I PT outstanding and feel like this is a waste of time but continue with it because it's not like I have anything more important to do. So I can see the reason for resentment.
It seems like we're missing the point of PT. It's supposed to help us stay in shape and do well on the PRT, not to be some collection of hoorah-loving Ensigns in crisp formation and as a PT demonstration team to aircrew.