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U.S. President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at a mess hall at Bagram Air Field in

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Internet killed the television star
True, everybody is entitled to an opinion!
However, I specifically remember my RDC in boot camp say that there is no place for open politics in the NAVY. It made a lasting impression on me because I though that this is a free country and you can vote for whoever you like. He said, "it is true, as long as you don't bring your politics passed the quarterdeck." I have never said or done anything involving politics in the NAVY since.
I grew up in a house that was viciously divided by politics, and I have seen what it can do to people, so I guess I kind of understand the NAVY's policy.

Your RDC is correct, there is no place for open politics in the Navy. My RDC told me the same thing when I was in boot camp too.

What yours apparently failed to elaborate on is that I can have a political opinion, as can everyone who wears a uniform. What isn't kosher is someone in the military going to a political rally in uniform, or speaking at a debate in uniform, or attending a political march in uniform. The reason being is by doing so, in uniform, you're representing the entire military and in essence casting the lot of the Navy/Army/et al for one specific campaign or individual. The military as a whole maintains neutrality.

However, it is perfectly acceptable to disagree with any political policy, that's the beauty of our government. If in this setting we choose to discuss and even disagree about different political positions that is ok. The difference is that we are expressing our opinions as private citizens, and we are not representing the government by our opinions. Perfect example is the Navy Times conducting a poll before the last elections asking who they would vote for. Were those individuals wrong for responding? No, because they were responding as an individual, with an individual opinion, not on the behalf of the military.


Voted 8.9 average on the Hot-or-Not scale
Jesus fucking Christ. Anyone who thinks this means anything is a moron - complete moron. RobLyman, Fog, Ken - YOU are morons.


Thanks Brett. It's nice to see that not everyone in the military adheres to the preconceived narrative brought about by a bunch of whining babies who equate everything the president does to Hitler or Stalin.


Does not play well with others!™
Here is my take for the 1/2 cent its worth. If the POTUS or General is addressing the whole crowd or group and people are just carrying on it would be disrespectful, since the majority of the pictures posted show them engaged in small group or one on one conversation, big f*^$ing deal. He is not engaged with the whole crowd.

Now everyone here just needs to get past it.


- hawk Pilot
Brett327,zab1001...Did you read my post? Did I say the picture meant anything specific? Go look in a mirror if you want to see a moron.

What I find interesting or unusual is that someone would post a picture like that...particularly on AKO. As a professional media person, would you pick the shot that looks engaging or the one where everyone looks bored? IMO, it is either a poor choice of photos or it means they couldn't get a good shot of the troops looking engaged. Which is it? I don't know.

But of course it shows superior intellect to just call everyone a moron rather than to come up with anything useful and interesting to say. I am now compelled by your quick witted reasoning and shall never post anything before getting your prior approval.

Jeez...grow up!


"I live vicariously through myself."
Hyperbole much? Care to elaborate on that?


I don't remember saying these pictures meant anything in particular either, I simply find them amusing. My comment was in regard to the big picture. If you think our country is headed in the right direction under what we have now, you are either blind or stupid. And since you're in Naval Aviation, I have a good idea what you're working with.


- hawk Pilot
So your argument is that either the troops really were ignoring him, or the "professional media" chose to portray it that way.

I think you're reading too much into the intent of PR folks that can't get their captions right. Or even spell the president's name right. Barak? Really? Those are the same "professionals" we're talking about, right?

I didn't have a specific argument. I merely thought it was an usual photo for the front page of AKO. So many of the photos are cherry picked for good content. Why not this one?

I am leaning more toward poor choice of photos/photographer. I think it less likely there was a total lack of interest on the part of the participants. Why post a poor picture unless you are incompetent or are making a statement? There are so many staged photos, this one struck me as unusually boring, especially considering its presence on the AKO home page.


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Super Moderator
But of course it shows superior intellect to just call everyone a moron rather than to come up with anything useful and interesting to say.

I thought it was both interesting and useful. By pointing out stupidity and moronic behavior, hopefully others will learn from this example and employ some critical thinking skills the next time someone makes a patently ridiculous assertion.

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