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U.S. President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at a mess hall at Bagram Air Field in

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Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
My point had nothing to do w/ the photo of POTUS w/ the troops. My point was simply that this president has no international credibility as a serious player in foreign affairs. He is a super flyweight totally out of of his league w/ the likes of Russia, China and even Iran. This is what happens when you make a newly minted nugget president w/out even division officer experience on his resume'.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
My point had nothing to do w/ the photo of POTUS w/ the troops. My point was simply that this president has no international credibility as a serious player in foreign affairs. He is a super flyweight totally out of of his league w/ the likes of Russia, China and even Iran. This is what happens when you make a newly minted nugget president w/out even division officer experience on his resume'.

According to who? How do you quantify that? I'd say he has at least as much credibility on the international stage as his predecessor, who was pretty much thought of as a joke - rightfully so. At any rate, what's the President supposed to do to "stand up" to Russia or Iran? What would your advice to him be?



Well-Known Member
I submit:

The CIC is a chameleon.

1. Look at what he actually does- not what he says. Specifically- Do some objective research on your own.

2. BO is likely the best public speaker we've had in 50 plus years.

3. His actual performance is a failure on multiple fronts, both domestically and internationally.

4. He has an ongoing love affair with the main stream media and vise versa which can and has lead to a very precarious relationship.

5. He lacks the experience/wisdom to perform his job function wisely and effectively.

The repeated posts calling for some to cut him slack or give additional benefit of the doubt is unwise. Of course we can correct this during the next election cycle, but governmental redistribution of anything is simply a manual manipulation (a professional hand job if you will) of reality. It'll be awesome at the time but will have little "fire for effect' value.

You think I'm full of it? Talk to me after the November elections.

The only good thing to come of this is that those of solid moral character will see through the deception and take notes for their future learning experience. I have full confidence that the future SWO's and 1310's are smarter and wiser than their predecessors.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
I said nothing about "standing up". Either you believe our leader is a great man & can lead us somewhere desirable in foreign affairs or you believe he is clueless. My humble opinion is the latter. I may be wrong - and hope I am.


Super Moderator
If you think our country is headed in the right direction under what we have now, you are either blind or stupid. And since you're in Naval Aviation, I have a good idea what you're working with.

The only good thing to come of this is that those of solid moral character will see through the deception and take notes for their future learning experience. I have full confidence that the future SWO's and 1310's are smarter and wiser than their predecessors.

So you are all are saying that those who disagree with you are blind or stupid and lack moral character. Real classy.

And all this from a photo showing something completely innocuous, servicemembers eating in a mess hall. I don't know whether to be amused, confused or just awed.

The CIC is a chameleon.

Did you get that from the green tint of his skin or the unusually long tongue?


I submit:

The CIC is a chameleon.

1. Look at what he actually does- not what he says. Specifically- Do some objective research on your own.

2. BO is likely the best public speaker we've had in 50 plus years.

3. His actual performance is a failure on multiple fronts, both domestically and internationally.

4. He has an ongoing love affair with the main stream media and vise versa which can and has lead to a very precarious relationship.

5. He lacks the experience/wisdom to perform his job function wisely and effectively.

The repeated posts calling for some to cut him slack or give additional benefit of the doubt is unwise. Of course we can correct this during the next election cycle, but governmental redistribution of anything is simply a manual manipulation (a professional hand job if you will) of reality. It'll be awesome at the time but will have little "fire for effect' value.

You think I'm full of it? Talk to me after the November elections.

The only good thing to come of this is that those of solid moral character will see through the deception and take notes for their future learning experience. I have full confidence that the future SWO's and 1310's are smarter and wiser than their predecessors.

What a joke. Do you mind sharing some of the materials from your objective research; not the TEA part talking point.
Another pathetic attempt to point everyone in the right direction. With Palin campaigning for 'The Maverick', everything is just right in place for November. I am sure Republicans have their re-election bid all too certain. I hope the public listens to you and your TEA Party followers, because this redistribution of wealth crap got to stop!


I said nothing about "standing up". Either you believe our leader is a great man & can lead us somewhere desirable in foreign affairs or you believe he is clueless. My humble opinion is the latter. I may be wrong - and hope I am.

Where does your Foreign Affairs experience come from, if I may ask?


I said nothing about "standing up". Either you believe our leader is a great man & can lead us somewhere desirable in foreign affairs or you believe he is clueless. My humble opinion is the latter. I may be wrong - and hope I am.

Great man....or clueless. Huh, no room inbetween, eh?

The Financial Times did a great in-depth profile on the workings of Obama's foreign policy team, warts and all. You have to take off the polarized glasses to make any sense of it, though.

(free registration required, but worth it)


"I live vicariously through myself."
So you are all are saying that those who disagree with you are blind or stupid and lack moral character. Real classy.

And all this from a photo showing something completely innocuous, servicemembers eating in a mess hall. I don't know whether to be amused, confused or just awed.

I stated in my post that this picture meant nothing and that I just found it amusing. As for the direction this country is heading (on many accounts), yes I believe its in the wrong direction and find it hard to believe that so many are content with it. You don't like people on here saying their way or the highway? Sounds a lot like Brett to me. I rarely get on here and tell people they are wrong because they disagree with me. I NEVER get on here and call people morons or idiots because they disagree with me.


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of a black and white gent myself- Camera "White Balance" being off in increments of 100 degrees Kelvin is of no consequence.

Clux4= Are you CNATRA? JCS? You're an academy gent who needs to do your own research- not a simple Google or Wiki search. That's right, you don't have enough time to do that - do you? So what specifically does your post add to the discussion? Grow wiser, shut lips... and learn. Even if you disagree- stand fast and take it in for now. I say that for a reason.

Flash- As much as I admire and appreciate your experience- I whole heartedly disagree with your assumptions. Blind, stupid and lack moral character were not specifically mentioned. Flash- I'm hispanic, so I do know the other side of the misguided liberal agenda and it ain't what the liberals make it out to be, so please don't start with me. Our leader is trying to hand out fish portions instead of teaching folks how to fish for themselves. Think about it. That method of education is dangerous on several levels and history has proved it to be so time and time again. Any leader that dictates morality/self sufficiency and god forbid- personal morality deserves a red Dangerous Stamp in the log book. Yes! Both Reds and Blues both.

This isn't about a mess hall video- it's about a lack of real leadership at the highest level.


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Super Moderator
I stated in my post that this picture meant nothing and that I just found it amusing. As for the direction this country is heading (on many accounts), yes I believe its in the wrong direction and find it hard to believe that so many are content with it. You don't like people on here saying their way or the highway? Sounds a lot like Brett to me. I rarely get on here and tell people they are wrong because they disagree with me. I NEVER get on here and call people morons or idiots because they disagree with me.

This has nothing to do with disagreement on any political issue. The subtext here from all the haters WRT the OP's picture is that somehow the troops don't respect the CinC because they're not all padlocked on him, to which FOG follows up with, "Yeah, nobody respects him," etc, etc. Then, you post pictures of both presidents in an attempt to suggest that the troops love Bush and hate Obabma, right? To suggest that one can look at the picture, then draw some of the conclusions which have been offered up in this thread, is indicative of (as previously stated) moronic thinking.



Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with disagreement on any political issue. The subtext here from all the haters WRT the OP's picture is that somehow the troops don't respect the CinC because they're not all padlocked on him, to which FOG follows up with, "Yeah, nobody respects him," etc, etc. Then, you post pictures of both presidents in an attempt to suggest that the troops love Bush and hate Obabma, right? To suggest that one can look at the picture, then draw some of the conclusions which have been offered up in this thread, is indicative of (as previously stated) moronic thinking.


Is it too outlandish for prior/current members of military on this forum to speculate on that photo based upon their experiences? I don't see how that's 'moronic' thinking... I don't believe anyone is "drawing conclusions" just merely stating that a) it's an interesting photo (which it does seem very candid) which was put on AKO and b) their personal opinions as to what could/couldn't have been at play.

The subtext isn't that the troops don't respect the CinC, but that there may be the possibility of a certain lack of respect present - however it could just as easily be something else. Of course you can't tell for certain - the OP merely suggested that the photo looks unusual, he even said he didn't know the whole story....he wasn't formulating a conspiracy against the left - which is indicative of your post - which, ironically, you would probably qualify as moronic behavior; assumptions determining conclusions.

but as they say... better to be moron than more-off


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
The subtext isn't that the troops don't respect the CinC, but that there may be the possibility of a certain lack of respect present

How are these two things different with respect to what I've been saying?

Just because you are using a context-less photo to reinforce your preconceived opinions doesn't mean your opinions are necessarily wrong.

Did you get that from the green tint of his skin or the unusually long tongue?

It's his moist eyes and keen taste for crickets.
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