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U.S. President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at a mess hall at Bagram Air Field in

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- hawk Pilot
Looks too me like an improperly staged photo op. No mandatory attendance?
Kind of where my opinion was based.

When I saw the picture I noticed a lack of attention around the room. One could even argue the soldier shaking his hand appears unenthused. Immediately questions began formulating in my mind. I asked myself:

Were the soldiers not briefed to act attentive and show respect? Were they tired and had they been shut in the room for hours waiting for the POTUS to show up (hurry up and wait)? Was this just a poorly staged photo taken at a lull moment amongst an otherwise more attentive period? If so, why did they choose this photo to release and why on earth did AKO post it on the home page? Could this be a more candid example of the reported (by the right) lack of respect or approval our CinC possesses? Why was it posted on AKO? Was there an agenda or just poor thinking on the staff's part? In the day and age where both sides cherry pick their photos to support their point, a la Bush/Obama greeting by Marines that we all have seen before, why has this been posted in this manner on what should be a very neutral site?

It probably all means nothing. A mistake. An oversight. But why, with political polarity growing, is this sort of photo showing up on a neutral site? Is it a non-representative snapshot or is it a moment of truth?

Note: Military Aviation Related -The guy in the photo is wearing a flightsuit.:)


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Where does your Foreign Affairs experience come from, if I may ask?

Well, I did spend 20 years in international banking including 6 as manager of that line of business at the 12th largest bank in the U.S. (at the time). But mainly, like many, I subscribe to about a dozen magazines that deal w/ international affairs & defense issues, and I form judgements based on what I read and observe on TV, etc. I never said I have the only valid or "correct" opinion here. I believe what I believe and should have the right to express that opinion w/out being called a moron or something worse.

The Chief

Interesting discussion of an interesting photograph. My take was that, like most, it is highly controlled photo shoot. I came away with the sense that the message was that the Commander in Chief was paying an informal visit to the troops he loves, all folks gathered round were told to look informal, that is, high fives, jiving etc. Guess I risk being called a moron for thinking that.

As for as respect. Less important what folks think of the CinC, rather what they think of the USA. I just returned from a 18 day trip, consulting on a USAID project. Asian sub-continent. I spent most of my time in Japan, on vacation. Talked to many folks.

I believe a change is occurring on the perception of Americans by all in Asia, in particular in Japan. I often heard “.... you Americans are often arrogant in your dealings with Japan, you won the war 50 some years ago but it is time to move on ..... “ Several specifics of change.

The 2006 agreement with Japan to relocate USMC assets in Okinawa have all but been abrogated. The sense is that Japan wants the USA military out of Okinawa. (It is said that is the view of a vocal minority in Okinawa, the silent majority want the USMC to stay). While I was there a huge deal was made in the press about the transfer to Japanese operations/control of Okinawa RAPCON. Keynote of the discussions was the moving the USMC out of Okinawa would allow better relations between China and Japan. Asia for Asians if you will.

It appears that the “agreed to” move of Atsugi assets to the Iwakuni area are on hold, nothing is being done sans the settlement of the Ryukyu Islands issue(s), a thorny issue with China

The press, including English language, made a huge, huge deal of the US Congressional “censure” of Turkey regarding the killing of millions of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire early in the 20th century. The underlying tone seemed to be “ ... finally the USA arrogance is gone ....”
While President Obama opposed the “censure” he did get credit for finally “doing something about it”.

While staying at the Tokyu Hotel in Nagoya, it happened that the graduation party for Nagoya U seniors was being held at the hotel. Perhaps 30 or 40 “grads” came by the table where I was sitting, over a two hour period . We had wide discussions, may subjects, but an interesting front row seat to Japan. Some points I think I observed:

- Japan should spend more/effort in relations with Asia. China and Japan should lead Asia.
- USA is now irrelevant in Asia.
- Pres Obama is a hero, for what he has already done and what he will do.
- USA is spending Japan’s money on “welfare” projects, money that will never be repaid.
- USA is “bashing”, unfairly Japan, over Toyota.
- Emergence of a less arrogant USA is very welcome
- The Hatoyama Government will be short lived.

I would hestitate to give Pres Obama all the credit, or blame, which ever you prefer, for this change that I think I see.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Interesting discussion of an interesting photograph. My take was that, like most, it is highly controlled photo shoot. I came away with the sense that the message was that the Commander in Chief was paying an informal visit to the troops he loves, all folks gathered round were told to look informal, that is, high fives, jiving etc. Guess I risk being called a moron for thinking that.
Nope, that's pretty much my take on the pic. ;)



Enjoying the real world
Interesting discussion of an interesting photograph. My take was that, like most, it is highly controlled photo shoot. I came away with the sense that the message was that the Commander in Chief was paying an informal visit to the troops he loves, all folks gathered round were told to look informal, that is, high fives, jiving etc. Guess I risk being called a moron for thinking that.


I would hestitate to give Pres Obama all the credit, or blame, which ever you prefer, for this change that I think I see.

I'm betting you are right on both counts. Interesting to hear your observations from the young Japanese. Keeping in mind that not only were they not around for WWII, but neither were their parents, I expect this generation does not feel any culpability for that war and doesn't see a need to continue to pay a price or suffer restrictions for it.

The Chief

... culpability for that war .....

What War? Oh, you mean the Great American Pacific War? Some think, have been taught, that Japan was peacefully engaged in trade with China in the earl6 1930's. Developing mines, building factories, hospitals, schools, in Manchukio, through which both China and Japan benefited. The USA sent their Army, Navy and Air Force to attack the legit Japanese business interests there. In despiration, fearing an attack on the homeland, Japan had to attack Pearl Harbor. Who said " ... The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, moves on .... " Omar something or other?

It is written.


Enjoying the real world
Honestly, I expect even the ones that know the truth probably don't care - they just don't feel responsible for the actions of their (great) grandparents (not to mention whether or not they even think that Japan was in the wrong to treat China/Korea/etc that way).


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Honestly, I expect even the ones that know the truth probably don't care - they just don't feel responsible for the actions of their (great) grandparents (not to mention whether or not they even think that Japan was in the wrong to treat China/Korea/etc that way).

It's funny to read The Chief's interactions with the Japanese regarding our arrogance. Pot, meet Kettle. Have they had a chance to run that whole "in charge of Asia with the Chinese" thing past the rest of Asia? They are not as universally loved among other Asians as they might believe. I agree with most of their other points regarding the Trade deficit and their loans; good luck collecting on those.


Clux4= Are you CNATRA? JCS? You're an academy gent who needs to do your own research- not a simple Google or Wiki search. That's right, you don't have enough time to do that - do you? So what specifically does your post add to the discussion? Grow wiser, shut lips... and learn. Even if you disagree- stand fast and take it in for now. I say that for a reason.

Your post did not add any f'ing value to the thread either, so don't come here and try to act as if you went through some academic process. I am still trying to figure out what you possibly were researching. All you did was regurgitate Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'reilly. I think you need the advice you are passing out. Leave us with our opinion. We don't need you talking to us as if we are crazy.

I believe DADT is still around, so......

Fog said:
Well, I did spend 20 years in international banking including 6 as manager of that line of business at the 12th largest bank in the U.S. (at the time). But mainly, like many, I subscribe to about a dozen magazines that deal w/ international affairs & defense issues, and I form judgements based on what I read and observe on TV, etc. I never said I have the only valid or "correct" opinion here. I believe what I believe and should have the right to express that opinion w/out being called a moron or something worse.
Your tone is only changing because Brett called you out. You definitely have the right to your opinion but they are just that. I was hoping that you were going to mention something in your background to give credence to your Russia and China claim. Maybe some DOD/DOS regional experience. There are a few op-ed pieces to suggest that but they are not any different from your personal opinions.
As I mentioned above, I respect peoples opinion until the moment they think everyone else is crazy and they have it all figured out.


I'm betting you are right on both counts. Interesting to hear your observations from the young Japanese. Keeping in mind that not only were they not around for WWII, but neither were their parents, I expect this generation does not feel any culpability for that war and doesn't see a need to continue to pay a price or suffer restrictions for it ...... Honestly, I expect even the ones that know the truth probably don't care - they just don't feel responsible for the actions of their (great) grandparents (not to mention whether or not they even think that Japan was in the wrong to treat China/Korea/etc that way).

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .... that being said, why does the USofA keep beating itself up over the question of slavery and all the racial divide that followed ??? :)

Not asking YOU, for sure ... just all the 'libs' and 'mea culpa' types on this website. :)

Personally?? I am only 'responsible' for what I do ... or don't do. Or doo-doo.

I love it.


Super Moderator
....As for the direction this country is heading (on many accounts), yes I believe its in the wrong direction and find it hard to believe that so many are content with it. You don't like people on here saying their way or the highway? Sounds a lot like Brett to me.

It is shocking that in a free and democratic society that you will find people who disagree with you politically. And as shocking as that might be it might be equally surprising to find out that those who do disagree might actually be working alongside you everyday. The perils of living in this country I guess.

I rarely get on here and tell people they are wrong because they disagree with me. I NEVER get on here and call people morons or idiots because they disagree with me.

But you did say blind or stupid, not much difference.

Flash- As much as I admire and appreciate your experience- I whole heartedly disagree with your assumptions. Blind, stupid and lack moral character were not specifically mentioned.

Then what did you mean by this then?

The only good thing to come of this is that those of solid moral character will see through the deception and take notes for their future learning experience.

Flash- I'm hispanic, so I do know the other side of the misguided liberal agenda and it ain't what the liberals make it out to be, so please don't start with me.

You're kidding, right?

Our leader is trying to hand out fish portions instead of teaching folks how to fish for themselves. Think about it. That method of education is dangerous on several levels and history has proved it to be so time and time again. Any leader that dictates morality/self sufficiency and god forbid- personal morality deserves a red Dangerous Stamp in the log book. Yes! Both Reds and Blues both. This isn't about a mess hall video- it's about a lack of real leadership at the highest level.

How you got all that from a simple picture is a mystery to me.

And whatever you may think of our country's leadership it doesn't mean you should cast aspersions on those who may disagree with you politically solely because of that.


he will die without safety brief
Man, sometimes you guys could overthink a plate of beans. It's just a fucking picture.

"but... the picture is EVERYTHING!!! don't you SEE!!!"



Jesus fucking Christ...
Why do you continue to use this phrase ... ?? Especially when you purport to be a 'non-believer' ... ??

Why do you not try to find an 'atheist' phrase to describe your disdain for others' beliefs ... ???

I find YOUR choice of words -- based on your purported questionable beliefs --to be highly offensive -- and below average for a Naval Officer.
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