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Unbelievably Sad...


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
What if one of them had a tire iron? It would have taken care of him too.
In that case your tire iron is a deadly weapon just as a gun would be. So why be restricted to a cave man's deadly weapon? The tool required in this case was a deadly weapon. True enough, a tire iron might have worked. But a gun would have worked much better. My dad taught me to always use the right tool for the right job!


Well-Known Member
At least they didn't say that he was "executed". Let's hope the cop isn't brought up on charges or worse. :icon_rage

Damned lawyers most likely followed the ambulance that transported the dead perp. We had a death by a Taser here in my county a while back it was deemed justifiable use of the Taser by a grand jury. The county and the deputy who used the Taser are now being sued for 145 million dollars.



In every state of the union, you can use deadly force to save the life of another person who's life you reasonably believe is threatened. Now this did take place in gun hating CA, but I am sure anyone shooting the perpetrator in this case would be on firm legal ground. Remember, it doesn't matter if you are a cop or a legally armed citizen, the same laws apply in the use of deadly force. So if the cop was justified in shooting then a civilian would be.
This is good to know, thanks for the info. Unfortunately, alot of us casual supporters (RE: non-gun-owning gun rights supporter) don't really understand the many laws and regulations placed on us lawful citizens and in my opinion, the press, for whatever reasons, often paint a sinister picture when it comes to gun incidents. It damn make one near paranoid.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Damned lawyers most likely followed the ambulance that transported the dead perp. We had a death by a Taser here in my county a while back it was deemed justifiable use of the Taser by a grand jury. The county and the deputy are now being sued for 145 million dollars.

Last I heard, TASER has won every suit brought against it. Even so, I see cases where the TASER is not used according to TASER instructions and agency SOP. When that happens a very good weapon gets very bad press and threatens its use as a life saver.


My wife grew up in that farming community and we know lots of folks there. As far as I know, none of her relatives or friends travel those roads armed. When we go out there in the motorhome, my guns are in the safe, unloaded to meet state laws.:icon_rage Chances of someone equipped to intervene coming by are slim to none.

So sorry to hear that brother, that is so messed up. So the lawful gun folks are practically "held hostage" to the whims of criminals who don't give a whit about "gun laws". We should be able to carry on our person or in our car. Period (just my opinion folks, don't flame me now).



Suggested headline for San Fransisco Chronicle: Unarmed bystanders unable to deter baby's savage killer.
I like it. Honestly, it conveys the events as it happened. Plus, it would bring some balance to the media in my opinion.


Super Moderator
Yes, I think it is a great idea that we sit around and talk about how we could have come running to the rescue if only the bystanders were armed!

Shocking as it seems, a lot of people don't want to go around packing all of the time. So why don't you all quit fantasizing.


Well-Known Member
Last I heard, TASER has won every suit brought against it. Even so, I see cases where the TASER is not used according to TASER instructions and agency SOP. When that happens a very good weapon gets very bad press and threatens its use as a life saver.

But in this case only the county and the deputy sheriff are being sued. (At this time.) An investigation by another local police department deemed the use in accordance with instructions and agency SOP. This is just another case of hitching up a bandwagon.



Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Shocking as it seems, a lot of people don't want to go around packing all of the time. So why don't you all quit fantasizing.
Other people do, and are legally entitled to do so. And if that saves the life of a helpless kid somewhere, who cares? What is it liberals always say? "If it just saves ONE LIFE™, it's worth it!"

I don't mean to endorse the whole sheep/sheepdog/wolf argument, as it's turned into nothing more than a vehicle for self-righteous conservative wanking. But the idea that the wish to protect others and ride to the sound of the guns is just "fantasizing" is, quite frankly, self-righteous liberal wanking.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Absolutely disgusting what that man did to that child. To bad the cop didn't arrive sooner to deliver the deserved justice. I wasn't there, hate to quaterback it but I'm a pretty big dude, grappled (Judo and BJJ) for years and if I had been around, I would of stepped in, gun or not. Have to in this situation. It said something like 9 folks didn't stop the guy, two were elderly, but what about the others??


New Member
Sick S.O.B. deserves to rot slowly in hell. WTF is wrong with people?....I think what pisses me off more is that 12 people couldn't stop this guy. Sure two were elderly, but what about the other 9!!!!??? Teamwork?? One on the legs, the other a chokehold! Something for god sake! People were probably just standing around in awe.....scared...I'm 6'0, 150lbs, pretty damn slim, but I swear on my mother if I saw this shit going down it would have taken an act of god to get me off of this guy.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
It said something like 9 folks didn't stop the guy, two were elderly, but what about the others??
Maybe they were scared. Have you ever seen someone in an honest to God out of control violent rage? It is scary. It is hard to put your hands on someone already beyond reason and pain. But I suspect a couple of the nine had access to Flash's fantasy weapon, a crow bar or tire iron. And he is right, it probably would have worked. If you are afraid to go hands on then find a way to reach out and touch the bad guy. It isn't supposed to be a fair fight. Those that beat babies are supposed to lose. And the good guys that stop baby killers should not have to get injured doing the right thing.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Maybe they were scared. Have you ever seen someone in an honest to God out of control violent rage? It is scary. It is hard to put your hands on someone already beyond reason and pain. But I suspect a couple of the nine had access to Flash's fantasy weapon, a crow bar or tire iron. And he is right, it probably would have worked. If you are afraid to go hands on then find a way to reach out and touch the bad guy. It isn't supposed to be a fair fight. Those that beat babies are supposed to lose. And the good guys that stop baby killers should not have to get injured doing the right thing.

Yep, have seen it and a bunch of us stepped in to stop the dude. He hadn't hit the girl yet but was hitting everything else, nearby parked cars for one and a 4 of us bystanders approached him. Two guys were on him in a heartbeat and he was put down before causing harm. I'm a big a guy as well and sometimes, have to put yourself to use, big or small, when something like a child is being beat to death.