The Hidden Tailor... I like it much better than the shirt stays:You don't HAVE to wear shirt stays...

An no, that is not me in the photo
The Hidden Tailor... I like it much better than the shirt stays:You don't HAVE to wear shirt stays...
NWU is a working uniform. If a person is not working, then they should not be wearing it. Period.I agree, but many of the NRD CO's seem to think NWU's are the greatest thing since sliced bread, and for whatever reason the NRD CO's that were pushing to wear it all the time were Pilot's, myself I don't care for them and would prefer to wear Khaki's, I am out there to talk about the Navy and one thing civilians like to ask is "what is that ribbon for", there are no ribbons on NWU's.
NWU is a working uniform. If a person is not working, then they should not be wearing it. Period.
Sitting in an office (ie, most COCOMs) all day is not, IMHO, considered work that would justify the wear of the NWU, or any other combat uniform or flight suit.
What's your deal? Are you active duty? Reserves? Got out? Retired? Other thread was a hint, this is a statement. Fill out your profile.NWU is a working uniform. If a person is not working, then they should not be wearing it. Period.
Sitting in an office (ie, most COCOMs) all day is not, IMHO, considered work that would justify the wear of the NWU, or any other combat uniform or flight suit.
Done. Enlisted while in AD, now an Officer in Reserve. 10 years of service.What's your deal? Are you active duty? Reserves? Got out? Retired? Other thread was a hint, this is a statement. Fill out your profile.
Man, tough day today. Even though approved via instruction, I do not find the NWU/ACU/flight suit to be an appropriate uniform for pure office environments where no work (work that would cause the uniform to become soiled), is being done (eg., COCOMS, the Pentagon, DIAC, etc.).You've got some opinions, got it. So does everyone else. NWU is a prescribed uniform, so those who actually follow instructions wear it. Period.
Yes. They were considered a working uniform and were popular. I do not remember the restrictions (ie., to/from work, local stop, etc.).Were Wash Khakis considered an appropriate duty uniform back in the day?
I hear you HSC folks also have to stand the 24 HR watch at the squadron.
I do not find the NWU/ACU/flight suit to be an appropriate uniform for pure office environments where no work (work that would cause the uniform to become soiled), is being done (eg., COCOMS, the Pentagon, DIAC, etc.).
Yes. They were considered a working uniform and were popular. I do not remember the restrictions (ie., to/from work, local stop, etc.).
@ -30, the then Skipper's (Reggie) guidance was "I'm not going to make any Officers buy them, but if you need them, you better have them". I wore them once when it was the required uniform at a retirement.
Wash khakis were to from work (I believe) but were not authorized out in town, unlike NWUs, which can be worn to your local bistro for a latte.