Well-Known Member
I don't think they are.
Plus, blue NWU's do a great job of camouflaging a sailor while on a grey ship. They blend right in!
NWUs suck.
This canard is stupid. The previous uniform was... blue... the color of water...They do a much better job at camouflaging sailors gone overboard from being found by enemy ships!
I haven't had to endure the type I (yet) but the type III's are nice.
I'd wear the IIIs over the Is any day, but alas, we're all not CEC/Snake Eaters.
And to get really nerdy about it, the SAR TACAID doesn't increase your probability of detection if you're wearing safety orange over any other color. The only thing that does increase detection on an object of a given size is retro-reflective tape. So until we all start wearing retro-reflective uniforms, this whole discussion is kind of silly.This canard is stupid. The previous uniform was... blue... the color of water...
The digiflauge of NWUs is kind of silly - dark blue utilities like the Coasties wear would have been perfectly fine - but other than that, they're a decent working uniform.
Does the aquaflage really hide stains better than a solid color? I haven't been around them enough to know.
I'm convinced that the "hides stains" was a line pitched once people started questioning why the USN was wearing camo on boats.Isn't that the only real gripe for the uniform? I'm fine with keeping tradition on the service/service-dress level (except I still hate poly-wool blends). Why couldn't we have gone to a solid-color blue uniform like the Coasties? Does the aquaflage really hide stains better than a solid color? I haven't been around them enough to know.
NWU's look really good sometimes...
(disclaimer, I make no endorsement of thus movie!)