He bowls overhand.
The collisions were due to a fundamental skill/knowledge gap wrt practical application of the nautical rules of the road among the wardroom, which is fueled by a qualification and continuing training program that does not build and enforce the right level of competence. The collisions are entirely on the officers. This responsibility is why we get paid so much money. In the case of the McCain, this poor standards in the qualification process trickled down to junior enlisted watchstanders. Somewhere there is a qualifying officer who signed that Helmsman's final signature to put him on the watchbill.7th Fleet allegedly has had many issues across the board, and yes, underway time isn't one of them.
Their rigid adherence to meet demanding OPTEMPO stretched (and probably broke in many places beyond just the known incidents) time for maintenance, redlines in operable equipment, Fit/Fill in manning, time for off ship training, etc. Add the fact they were called to surge CRUDES every time China or North Korea sneezed wrong, and that puts further strain on an already demanding model.
It is not just an "O" problem though, it extends down to the Chiefs and blueshirts as well. Chief's Mess technical and procedural mastery is not where it once was. Blueshirts arrive requiring significant training time in order to become capable.
That said, adding some CODT is, IMO, still essential when we rely on an OJT training and qualification model. The lack of white space to apply directly to training is why so much PQS just gets pencil whipped. Couldn't tell you how many PQS line items I had signed with nothing more than a quick verbal discussion because "you'll never actually get to see/do that."
The practical application of the rules of the road is not this obscure skill that requires a CODT. Nor is operating the engines. For two ships that were forward deployed and frequently underway, they should have had some of the best knowledge and experience in the fleet in these areas. They don't because the SWO community doesn't have standards.
CO's have discretion to waive/modify PQS signatures that are not applicable or don't fit ship's schedule. There's nothing wrong with that process. That's not why the collisions occurred.
Until the SWO community owns the problem, it will recur. Scapegoating the goat locker and saying that there were inadequate resources to do training on the application of the RoR is not owning the problem.
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