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Way to go CNN!!! Just great...


The Dude abides....
Some CNN anchorwoman forgets to turn her mic off on the way to the bathroom while the President is giving a speech on Katrina. You can guess where it goes from there. Reminds me of that scene in Naked Gun, sort of...

CNN Reporter Goof-Video


Ask the Chief
I think this is very telling about how CNN feels about the President. Not only did thier reporter leave as soon as the President started speaking, the guys in the sound booth who should have been monitoring were obviously not paying attention either....

Go Fox News.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Some CNN anchorwoman forgets to turn her mic off on the way to the bathroom while the President is giving a speech on Katrina. You can guess where it goes from there. Reminds me of that scene in Naked Gun, sort of...

CNN Reporter Goof-Video

I seriously doubt that this was broadcast. This is from a raw feed into the control room and not what goes out over the air. The point at which the announcer introduces the video is when the broadcast actually begins. If you've ever watched the raw footage over a C band satellite receiver, you know that this is normal, but it can lead to some interesting comments being heard. While I'm no huge fan of CNN, this is hardly worth jumping all over them.



The Dude abides....
I seriously doubt that this was broadcast. This is from a raw feed into the control room and not what goes out over the air. The point at which the announcer introduces the video is when the broadcast actually begins. If you've ever watched the raw footage over a C band satellite receiver, you know that this is normal, but it can lead to some interesting comments being heard. While I'm no huge fan of CNN, this is hardly worth jumping all over them.


Yeah, I've never really been a big fan of the Clinton News Network either, and a video like this sure doesn't surprise me that much at all. Didn't know you could get raw news footage over a C band satellite receiver (I learn something everyday), that's pretty cool. I used to just stick to ebaumsworld and consumptionjunction (NSFW!!!). Thanks


I've always known it as the Communist News Network... Nearly got me in trouble calling it that in LA.


CNN has an agenda ... so does NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, VH1, Disney, and all the rest .... anyone who didn't know that: please raise yo' hand .... ???? :)


damn homeowners' associations
How about the talking head introducing the President and saying something about Katrina making "landshore." WTF is landshore?
How about the talking head introducing the President and saying something about Katrina making "landshore." WTF is landshore?

"Um, we have the buses parked and locked for when she makes Landshore..."



UAL CA; retired hinge
Go Fox News.

FoxNews is only "Fair and Balanced" in that it provides viewers with a view from the right as compared against the left leaning CNN, their biggest competitor. anybody with an open mind sees through that bullshіt slogan of theirs. i personally like to watch all the different news channels to get a "fair and balanced" view from all sides so i can form my own personal viewpoint on an issue. FoxNews seems to always sensationalize ordinary news, and attempts to always show the "breaking news" first, even if it means initially getting it wrong. IMO, FoxNews is the UPN of news networks ... it has a couple good shows that i'll watch, otherwise it's a waste of bandwidth on my DISH that could be shіtcanned in order to make room for some good HD programming (CNN could go too)


Registered User
I think people should watch Al Jazeera, and Fox News, and then decide it's somewhere in the middle of the two.


WTFF??? Why ??? Would you have "watched" Herr Goebbels or Tokyo Rose in the "Big One" ... ???

No A4's...I normally agree with you...and I know I'm gonna pay for this but...

Al Jazeera actually is not a half bad news agency. Unlike most American news outlets they actually still do some reporting instead of spinning press releases. Don't forget that they don't produce Bin Laden's tapes, they just air them....etc...

That said, I still think there are better world news agencies out there such as the BBC and Deutche Welle but...again...they have people who actually think about what they see happen. Don't knock it till ya watch it...

<standing by>:watching3