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Way to go CNN!!! Just great...


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
I get most of my news analysis from The Economist these days.
you cant seriously think Al Jazzeira is a legitimate news organization, they go beyond bias, they have blood on their hands many of the doctored photos of korans burning in both Iraq and Lebbanon have led to violent protests that have cost lives.


Everyone leave, I have to poop. NOW!!!
I don't care for CNN, or even that video. However, the funniest part of the video was when you hear her zipping back up. Can't help but think back to Naked Gun.


Well...no...they clearly have an agenda...I guess the point that I wanted to emphasize was more that they actually do reporting..much more so than many domestic news sources. That wasn't especially clear form my post.

You are correct...they are ultra-agenda-izing...yeah I made that up. And for the record...no I don't agree with there agenda...

Comparing them to goebbels though I think might be a bit much.


No A4's...I normally agree with you...and I know I'm gonna pay for this but...<standing by>:watching3
Nooooooooooooooooooo .... you're not gonna' "PAY" ... not unless you're stupid ..... you're not, are you??? Or unless you want to "PAY" me .... :)

Here's the deal for me: I know the score. I know what the American "news" outlets are ... and what they aren't. I have other sources. I don't need to listen to the "other" side -- to know who I'm gonna' kill.

Soooooooooooo .... would you have listened to Hanoi Hanna ... ??? :)


is clara ship
FoxNews is only "Fair and Balanced" in that it provides viewers with a view from the right as compared against the left leaning CNN, their biggest competitor. anybody with an open mind sees through that bullshіt slogan of theirs. i personally like to watch all the different news channels to get a "fair and balanced" view from all sides so i can form my own personal viewpoint on an issue. FoxNews seems to always sensationalize ordinary news, and attempts to always show the "breaking news" first, even if it means initially getting it wrong. IMO, FoxNews is the UPN of news networks ... it has a couple good shows that i'll watch, otherwise it's a waste of bandwidth on my DISH that could be shіtcanned in order to make room for some good HD programming (CNN could go too)

could not agree more....esp. the boldface


could not agree more....esp. the boldface
Yeah ... me too. Every time FOX breaks in with "Breaking News" and the "shhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooosh"!!!!!!!!!! sound ... I say to the very, very, very, very, very fine replacement wife .... :

"WHAT ??? Another cat up a tree .... "???? :)

But .... FOX News wasn't the subject of the thread , was it ??? :)

BTW ... FOX is the ONLY one talkin' about Wake .... they rest remain clueless and could care less ....


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
"WHAT ??? Another cat up a tree .... "????

Regardless of the network, the problem w/ your question to said wife is that you wouldn't know if there was a cat up a tree. You might know if there was a tree, but otherwise all you'd hear about is what they think "might" have to do w/ the tree and maybe there was a cat, but it's too early to tell.

I love watching the "breaking news" recaps on The Daily Show. When you see all the "journalists," one after another, basically saying they don't know anything for hours on end, it's pretty amusing...in a depressing sort of way.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Still I prefer it to the days of nightly news on the big 3 networks where Dan Rather et al got to decide exactly what news to show the American people.


OCC 193, here we go!
Al Ga who

The BBC also is a good outlet for world news. The problem with some of the others is where the funding is coming from and who is managing the content. Next time a news flash comes out, watch CNN then switch to the BBC, CNN will tell you one thing and BBC will use words like speculate or believe to be true, while CNN will basically sell you the lie as truth.


I get most of my news analysis from The Economist these days.
you cant seriously think Al Jazzeira is a legitimate news organization, they go beyond bias, they have blood on their hands many of the doctored photos of korans burning in both Iraq and Lebbanon have led to violent protests that have cost lives.

I buy an issue now and then but it's EXPENSIVE. Military discount?


Registered User
We had a guy in my company at the boat school that was an exchange from Tunisia. He watched Al Jazeera almost daily... Even has a link to it on his facebook page. And if you didn't think that was wierd enough, he downloaded a bunch of video's off their site of beheadings. I always wondered how Ward Hall managed to bust kids for downloading porn, but this kid had all this sh!t on his computer without anyone saying a damn thing.