Thanks E-6B.. Just one quitters observations... Unfortunately (IMHO) seems to be more of the norm... "Hey, you are getting out.. Great fodder.. But you Joe Dirtbag are OUR Company Man... #1 EP..." Same ole song and dance....
Honestly, their fate largely depends on the tracom CO's recommendation, if they outright quit, then they are usually assigned, if they try hard and fail, then they are allowed to explore other options.
Actually, the CO has no bearing on what happens to the SNA attrite. They just sign a piece of paper that recommends reassignment according to "the needs of the Navy." The community managers at BUPERS decide who they want in their communities. They don't know if you attrited, NPQed, or DORed. This is where the individual's package and statement really come into play: degrees, certifications, LORs, etc. Re-designation from flight school is just like applying for another job, at least on the Navy side.
One of the things that drove me nuts about the 1310 world is that re-designating was treated by many communities as an act of disloyalty requiring punishment. (That didn't stop me from doing it, but that is another story). I could never figure out how it was that somebody wanting to do something different for the Navy was such a bad thing. When I applied for re-designation my Commodore called me in and bitched me out for "making the community look bad" in front of the 3 star. What a tool.
I know a guy right now who isn't going to make O-5. He didn't get a DH tour, just very competitive. He went to war college, attempted to do the right thing but wasn't selected. So with a wife and 3 children he wants the O-5 retirement thing, to stay as long as possible.
I think you guys are being a bit too harsh in this case. This is just someone asking a few very valid questions prior to taking on a huge commitment, and he is being branded because of it.
...The Point. Just answer the questions. Let them do with the answers as they wish and see fit. Leaders are given information and use it to the best of their knowledge. If he desides he doesn't want in or it isn't worth it then it is HIS decision...not someone who responds "Don't Join". Over![]()
Concur. And I'm not just referring to this thread only bone with the thread is that new guys are asking questions and are being met with a healthy amount of attitude instead of being helpful or answering questions.