Believe it or not, I’m able to keep up with mrs. mad dog when I’m on my Honda Monkey…average speed on the flats in no wind conditions is about 60 mph…and I’ve reached 74 mph on big downhills with a tailwind…and it’s very stable.It's gonna be harder for the Missus to ditch you on bike rides now.
that sounds like it could be the mission statement for your life.Definitely keeping the Honda Monkey…it’s just too retro/versatile/fun.
Is your church Brazilian, Norwegian, Spanish, or Swedish?
Arms and ankles
Is there a house in Rising Sun, they call The New Orleans?Happy Father’s Day!
Did a short motorcycle trip with the wife unit and our kid units from Cincinnati, OH to Rabbit Hash, KY…got a new double dog watch band in Rabbit Hash…check it out…popped my -64 and -71 Speedmasters right on that new double dog watch band…
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It would look better in an all black vs Pepsi bezel.Widgetland had recently offered a Breitling Widgetwatch…now they’re offering a Tudor Widgetwatch…
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The late Astronaut Joe Engle on orbit aboard STS-2 - Speedy on the long NASA EVA strap. Timer set to Mission Elapsed Time.