In all seriousness, I cannot imagine not having at least another crew-member aboard. The Aussie's do it with one pilot and one NFO, and the Brits do it somewhat similarly to the Aussies, if I recall. Flying the helicopter is inherently unstable and requires constant attention and monitoring and control adjusting. It is not like a fixed wing aircraft where a fixed power setting and trim setting will constantly yield a consistent result. None of the FTI's for Advanced Helos even give power numbers, though, there are "gouge" numbers that exist for sim-land that translate roughly OK to the aircraft. This is totally unlike (Fixed wing) primary. Because the controls are constantly being adjusted, and we fly so low and have a low margin for error in airwork, I cannot imagine operating some of the weapons systems while trying to also manipulate the controls. Some of this is the ergonomics of our cockpit set up (as in, Hornets can fire all their weaponry from the stick, correct? Whereas 60's fire HELLFIRE from the HCU, fire rockets and guns from the cyclic [stick], and arm said rockets and guns on a panel that sits between the two pilots). Also, the sheer size of the 60 decreases its ability to safely clear the aircraft for turns or threat detection with only one pilot. The 57, while small, has terrible sightlines from 3-5 and 7-8 o'clock and obviously, like almost all helicopters, has no sightline at 6 o'clock.
Anyway, why all the pot shots at helo pilots all of a sudden? Who pissed you off? I've seen good natured ribbing, but genuinely felt respected by all the other pilots in the airwing in which I served.