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"You wanted open war. We are going to open war,"


Super *********
Super Moderator
If it escalates to Syria and Iran, we will probably see more these types of pics (one of my favorites)...the little roundels (kill marks):



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is a completely irrational thought on my part, but things have been at such an impasse over there for so long that sometimes I think the pot needs to be thoroughly stirred up. Bunk is right, every time the region has gone hot, the Arabs have come away with the short end of the stick. Maybe Israel should finish the job this time.



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Ah, gotcha. I learn something new everyday here...

It's a common misperception as is notion in US Navy that you get assigned an aircraft and that is one you fly just because your name is on an aircraft. You can go literally months without flying an aircraft with your name on it especially if it's in the hangar for special attention.

Note - the Israeli F-15 Eagles do not even have pilot names on them.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
"Finish?" I am intrigued.

As in to so thoroughly defeat the terrorist element that they become irrelevant militarily and politically in the area. Let's face it, the militant nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict over the years has been largely responsible for prolonging the suffering on both sides. Ultimately the Palestinian people must form a coherent government which can see to their needs and not be focused on maintaining militiae preoccupied with the destruction of Israel - that's a losing proposition.



As in to so thoroughly defeat the terrorist element that they become irrelevant militarily and politically in the area. Let's face it, the militant nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict over the years has been largely responsible for prolonging the suffering on both sides. Ultimately the Palestinian people must form a coherent government which can see to their needs and not be focused on maintaining militiae preoccupied with the destruction of Israel - that's a losing proposition.


From a logical standpoint, trying to push Israel into the Med is clearly a losing propisition. Then again, I don't see a lot of logic in their actions, or terrorism in general anyway...

Is a coherent Arab government possible? My (uneducated) take on it was that there are lots of tribes and factions throughout the region and not much unity, even within nations such as Iraq. If that's true it would seem to be a difficult thing to execute.

Side note: I'm no expert on the region, so if my facts need fixing go ahead and let me know. I'm hanging out here to learn things that aren't available other places, after all.


Working Plan B
From a logical standpoint, trying to push Israel into the Med is clearly a losing propisition. Then again, I don't see a lot of logic in their actions, or terrorism in general anyway...

Is a coherent Arab government possible? My (uneducated) take on it was that there are lots of tribes and factions throughout the region and not much unity, even within nations such as Iraq. If that's true it would seem to be a difficult thing to execute.
It can work. People have to choose to make it work. Facets of the old Lebanese government come to mind; the way the shared power between ethnic and religious groups to ensure that everyone got a piece of the pie. Of course, that was also part of the problem in the end. I think it could be done; not quite yet.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
Note - the Israeli F-15 Eagles do not even have pilot names on them.

Isn't the IAF hyper sensitive about protecting pilots identities to keep them from being targeted by terrorists? I seem to recall reading something about it.


Registered User
But if there was a coherent Arab government, how would they soak the West for billions of dollars to "relieve their suffering" at the same time begging the Saudis and Iranians for millions to aid in the struggle? No struggle, no suffering, no money...:(


Super *********
Super Moderator
So how many air-to-air kills do the Israeli's have with the F-15 and F-16?

It must be a sh*t load of 'em...

I believe around 60 in the F-15 and 40+ in the F-16. Read a goog book years ago on the Israeli AF. There was a fight in which an F-15 was hit by AAA on the way in to intercept some Mig-21's. In the engagement he is hit by an Atoll as well, shoots down a Mig, returns to base single engine with several hundred small holes in his fuselage. If ture, a good story. Good story if not true as well.