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"You wanted open war. We are going to open war,"


And now the U.S. Marines are going into Beirut to evacuate U.S. civilians and "others" ... the circle is complete.

October 23, 1983



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
heyjoe, wasn't it the Sagger wire-guided anti-tank missile and not Strela, which is associated with Russian manpads?


Correct you are..I was whipped when I dashed that off...fixed now...thx!


Texas A&M Class of '06
my 2¢ on the topic ... what else should we expect when you try to plant a Christian land in the middle of a bunch of Muslims? those people have been fighting Christians for thousands of years and it's not going to stop. they are too stupid to be civilized.


Lest you forget your history, the first civilizations were in the middle east (mesopotamia, egypt, etc), areas that are now Arab. Early science also started in many middle eastern areas, including the foundations for modern mathematics (a subject that without, you wouldnt have airplanes!), and modern writing started with cuneiform, also from that area. So, maybe check on your history before you make mindless comments such as that.

With that said, I believe the problem is deeper than just being too stupid. The Arab culture is a very collectivist culture that encourages "groupthink". This is ingrained in regular culture, and in Islam also. And in the Arab world, Islam IS their culture. I believe the true problem lies in the control of the "governments". They dont want peace. They want eternal war. They act as if they want peace, with terms that are totally unacceptable (such as, make Isreal disappear, which wont happen as long as Isreal has nukes). Uncompromising policies might as well be considered open desire of endless war.

On the other hand, Isreal is not completely innocent either. Their occupation of Palestinian lands and all that entails (bulldozing houses, civilian deaths, etc) causes many problems. In the Arab mind, it is also aggravating when 2 Isrealis are killed from a Hezbollah rocket and it makes front page news, but when 20 civilians are killed through collateral damage from an Isreali Mk-84 in an urban area and it is mentioned at the bottom of the article (if you dont believe me, just read CNN or FoxNews articles online). They believe they are getting the raw end of the deal, and maybe justifiably so.

Either way, this situation is extremely explosive. As much as it would feel good to wipe out Hezbollah and send the terrorists to paradise, a regional war in the middle east is NOT in our interest. If Isreal gets drawn into a large regional war, it WILL draw us in. Our interests in the theater are already touchy with Iraq and the need to handle the Iran situation carefully, and we dont need a huge provacation from the western areas to push it into a major war, with potential nuclear outcomes (of which there is no victory).

My 2 pennies.


Texas A&M Class of '06
a little history

Also, a great area to do some sunday reading would be on the entire history of the Arab-Isreali conflict. Start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Israeli_conflict and just read through each war. It is interesting that in almost every case, it has been an Arab provacation, with a massive Isreali response, and the Arabs running home with their tails between their legs. The Isreali military, with our help, is also far stronger now than they were in previous wars, due to superior training, and equipment upgrades over the last 5-10 years (F-16I, F-15I, JDAM, etc). Wont the Arabs learn eventually?

Anyways, understanding the current events in light of previous wars really puts things into the big picture.


Lest you forget .....maybe check on your history before you make mindless comments.....
....Isreal ....... Isreal ....Isreali ......Isreal .....My 2 pennies.

Would that be ISRAEL you're referring to ... ??? I forget .... but I'll check before I make any mindless comments .... :) my $20 ...

*edit* whoever said Aggies can't spell ???


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
Wont the Arabs learn eventually?
I doubt it.

They'll just keep doing the same ****... getting beat militarily, using the international community to claim Israel is picking on them, then go right back to acquiring weapons and attacking the Israelis via state supported terrorism.

Of course that could change if they got their hands on some nukes. Then they could obliterate the whole IDF in one fell swoop. They're crazy enough to do it.


Also, a great area to do some sunday reading would be on the entire history of the Arab-Isreali conflict. Start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Israeli_conflict and just read through each war. It is interesting that in almost every case, it has been an Arab provacation, with a massive Isreali response, and the Arabs running home with their tails between their legs. The Isreali military, with our help, is also far stronger now than they were in previous wars, due to superior training, and equipment upgrades over the last 5-10 years (F-16I, F-15I, JDAM, etc). Wont the Arabs learn eventually?

Anyways, understanding the current events in light of previous wars really puts things into the big picture.

All hail Wikipedia! I love that thing...been known to spend hours on it.

/random comment


UAL CA; retired hinge
Lest you forget your history, the first civilizations were in the middle east (mesopotamia, egypt, etc), areas that are now Arab. Early science also started in many middle eastern areas, including the foundations for modern mathematics (a subject that without, you wouldnt have airplanes!), and modern writing started with cuneiform, also from that area. So, maybe check on your history before you make mindless comments such as that..
thanks for the history lesson ... still doesn't change the fact that they are too stupid to be civilized.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
At the end of the day, it comes down to the fact that Israel staying involved in Southern Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza makes them targets for violence...

Them leaving said areas (as they have over the last 5-10 years) creates a breeding ground for terrorists who can't accept the simple fact that Israel ain't going anywhere and nobody's destroying the Jewish state.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't? You betcha.

I still agree with Hagel and Lugar in saying that the only alternative is to put NATO troops on the ground to administer those areas.

Likely? Not with the way the Euros have free-ridden on American security for the last 60 years. And we sure as hell can't go it alone on this one (check out A4s last post as to why).

But regardless of whether you believe Israel is right or the Palestinians are right, this fighting is not going to be in our best interests either...


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Come on now...

"Give me an army of West Point graduates, I'll win a battle. Give me a handful of Texas Aggies and I'll win a war!"
-George S Patton

You talk about them like they're Tar Heels or something...


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Would that be ISRAEL you're referring to ... ??? I forget .... but I'll check before I make any mindless comments .... :) my $20 ...

*edit* whoever said Aggies can't spell ???

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Aggie may mean:

Aggie (software), a news aggregator
Aggie (marble), a type of marble made from or resembling agate
"Aggie", a slang term for:
A person that works in agriculture
A gay sailor
A student or sports team at certain U.S. universities, typically those with agricultural curricula, and usually qualified with the name of the state. For example, the Texas media commonly refers to teams at Texas A&M University as the Texas Aggies.

SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!!!! :D