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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


Well-Known Member
If youre waiting on multiple possible decisions (whether other branches or personal life) , are you able to say No to your proRec Y if something comes up? or is that very frowned upon?
As far as what I've heard, it does not look good if you reject an offer for commission....not saying you would be put in a black list and never be allowed in....but it might affect your chances fi you re apply....this was told to me by an Air Force recruiter tho....so take it with a grain of salt


Selected for SNA, big congrats to all others who made it!! Those 6 weeks really sucked lol
My recruiter told me I was too late for this board and I would be on the next one. Then he calls me today and tells me I was Prorec-Y, much to my surprise. That sucks you had to wait, but so glad you made it too.