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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


Well-Known Member
Pro-Rec Y for SNFO. Congrats everyone! Best of luck to those who didn’t get selected. @Marcus_Aurelius couldn't have said it better.

I’m not entirely sure if I will take the slot, however. My OR said he sent my packet as SNA only but that clearly wasn’t the case. I’ll adjust the spreadsheet but I may never have the OCS Date field completed.

Edit: It’s already been done... @Ghost SWO??? Lol.

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
Pro-Rec Y for SNFO. Congrats everyone! Best of luck to those who didn’t get selected. @Marcus_Aurelius couldn't have said it better.

I’m not entirely sure if I will take the slot, however. My OR said he sent my packet as SNA only but that clearly wasn’t the case. I’ll adjust the spreadsheet but I may never have the OCS Date field completed.

Edit: It’s already been done... @Ghost SWO??? Lol.


Well-Known Member
Recruiter hasn’t called and isn’t answering the phone... is there any way to find out my results or do I have to painstakingly wait for him?
Yeah same here. I texted mine around 2:30 EST and haven't heard anything back yet. The suspense is driving me crazy.

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
How many times have you applied?
This was the second time, first time was in May this year, missed the cutoff for August.

I was told the board likes to see applicants that apply multiple times, shows perseverance. Can't say if that helped or not this time. Not very quantifiable.