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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


New Member
My OR just said he does not have anything official so he cant tell me so I am little confused. If anyone has access to the list and would be willing to check for me the would be greatly appreciated ! Congrats everyone who knows!


My OR just said he does not have anything official so he cant tell me so I am little confused. If anyone has access to the list and would be willing to check for me the would be greatly appreciated ! Congrats everyone who knows!
I haven't gotten ahold of my OR yet, but I also echo this - if anyone has access to the list and is willing to look my name up (I'm not AD), please let me know!

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
If you want to change your name there is a thread for username change requests, It would probably be smart to do that at a minimum. At least if you use your own picture, make the username different. The military harps pretty hard on the PII stuff.