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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
Interesting. Since I started my application process while I was still in the Army, my recruiter had me get an aviation flight physical already and he sent it in.

Any idea whether this means I’ll be able to skip NAMI? Did you guys only do the MEPS physical so far??

MEPs only clears you for government service. Whereas NAMIs clears you for flight service with the Corp/Navy. I have went to both and they are relatively speaking. NAMI is just more in depth with its processing. Ohhhh and they will try and scare you with the "NAMI whammy".... the staff that I met were extremely nice.

Have not read the whole thread, hope your question was not already answered.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Hopefully your recruiter helps you out. My OR did the paperwork for my age critical request today. Fingers crossed.
Mine contacted me today. He didn't mention an age critical request, but did say that im old as dirt and to be prepared to leave much sooner than sept. So fingers crossed!


Mine contacted me today. He didn't mention an age critical request, but did say that im old as dirt and to be prepared to leave much sooner than sept. So fingers crossed!
Hahaha That is hilarious. Keep me updated? I am wondering if us elder folks from this board will be going together.


Once we're in, anyone know how often the flight physical is? I imagine it's different intervals than what I know on the civilian side with the FAA medicals.

My friend who is a USMC aviator said he has to do it every year during the month you were born. I imagine Navy has the same standards.


Hey! I have a question about the ENT exam.

What do they say about Deviated Septums? They didn't check me for that at MEPS but I know during the nose check they will find mine and it's pretty bent towards one side. I'm considering getting surgery , not sure... know anything about Deviated Septums?
Hmmm I'm not sure about those. Generally speaking, NAMI docs are checking for anything that could affect you at altitude - does this affect your breathing at all? Could you wear a mask without pain? I imagine those are the questions they would be concerned with.


It sounds as if you had an eye doc that was more than the usual "take the test and you pass guy", just be aware that for several years N3M stopped taking civilian eye depth perception retest before starting to take them again, mainly because of the large numbers of people where would fail at MEPS, pass at civilian, then fail during NAMI exam.
Yeah I actually failed at MEPS during a time where they wouldn't accept civilian exams. I had to go to an AF base (closest military installation to where I lived) and had two tests there and didn't pass either. By the time I started seeing this civilian eye doc, they started accepting civilian eye exams and I passed with two different eye docs. Then made it to NAMI and passed there as well, thankfully!