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OCS 03Sep24 SNA/SNFO Board

You needed a tattoo waiver I am covered in tattoos and didn’t need a waiver
Have two on my ribs just had to fill out a couple additional forms and send in pics of the artwork to my recruiter. When they are covered by any uniform and are non-offensive, the "waiver" is essentially automatically approved. This is what I heard from my recruiter and at MEPS, maybe there's a different story.


Active Member
Well today is the NRC application due date and the excel sheet only has 12 people on it compared to the 59 people on the July board lol.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people apply that don’t know about Air Warriors or the spreadsheet. Imagine it’s literally just us 12🤣.
Historically only about 20-30% of people that apply put themselves on the excel sheet, I wonder how many people applied to this board?


I am also hoping to make it to this board. I got my packet sent back for the last one due to my eye sight being out of standards. I had Lasik surgery last month and my recruiter was able to get special permission to submit my package after the due date… assuming my Lasik waiver gets approved.

Usually waivers for lasik require 6 months between surgeries, but I was told by my recruiter that the new admiral is pushing them through a lot faster now. Can anyone confirm? I’ll have 2 post op check ups 31 days apart. Has anyone else gotten approved that quick?


Well-Known Member
Applying first time to this board
21 y/o
3.3 GPA
64 8/8/8
LoR from collegiate athletics coach
Tattoo waiver but nothing major

Good luck to everyone hope to meet some of yall at OCS. And thank you Average Monke for the spreadsheet work!
If no waivers then you should be in the immediate selection criteria.


Well-Known Member
Well then how does it work?
They take the total number of spots and divide by the number of boards, that can be quarterly, semi annually, even annually or some other variation to even out workload and have a good flow of candidates. They have randomly changed the number of boards per year to fit the workload needs.

The total manning is set by Congress the changes that happen are small and for officer accessions take that number and roughly divide by 3. The number of spots available doesn't change much, the number of candidates applying is the biggest variable.


First time applying.
42 5/7/5
legal assistant
No waivers and immediate ship
Virginia Military Institute 3.1
Multiple recs from Flag officers and senior pilots
Multiple ground school classes and around 45 hours in flight sims, helicopter and the T6.

What’s my shot ???
Of course this is not my entire app but just a quick skinny
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I am also hoping to make it to this board. I got my packet sent back for the last one due to my eye sight being out of standards. I had Lasik surgery last month and my recruiter was able to get special permission to submit my package after the due date… assuming my Lasik waiver gets approved.

Usually waivers for lasik require 6 months between surgeries, but I was told by my recruiter that the new admiral is pushing them through a lot faster now. Can anyone confirm? I’ll have 2 post op check ups 31 days apart. Has anyone else gotten approved that quick?
I was on the recent July board and had to go through the normal LASIK waiver process (wait 6 months along with the 2 post-ops). Could be a new thing.