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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Once you get your application together, it is sent off to the boards. They decide if you have the "right stuff" :icon_mi_1 . If you do, you get a "pro-rec"

After the Pro-rec you only need do several major steps to be officially selected (final select).
1.) Pass Meps (shoulder agains the wall!! dont block the hallway) lol
2.) Pass PRT
3.) Submit security clearance


New Member
Quick question, I just took the astb yesterday and I scored 7/7/7 64. Is this good or should I retake it and try to do better? It was my first time taking it so I should have two more tries if I wanted right? Thanks for the help. If it's of any additional value I'm trying to be a marine fighter pilot. I am a mechanical/aerospace engineering junior in college with a 3.3 gpa.


Still avoiding work as much as possible....
Quick question, I just took the astb yesterday and I scored 7/7/7 64. Is this good or should I retake it and try to do better? It was my first time taking it so I should have two more tries if I wanted right? Thanks for the help. If it's of any additional value I'm trying to be a marine fighter pilot. I am a mechanical/aerospace engineering junior in college with a 3.3 gpa.

You should be fine. I believe Marines is only Pass/Fail, but someone else will correct me if i'm wrong.
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New Member
Once you get your application together, it is sent off to the boards. They decide if you have the "right stuff" :icon_mi_1 . If you do, you get a "pro-rec"

After the Pro-rec you only need do several major steps to be officially selected (final select).
1.) Pass Meps (shoulder agains the wall!! dont block the hallway) lol
2.) Pass PRT
3.) Submit security clearance

I have a few questions. I am in the process of applying as a civilian for Warrant Officer Aviation in the ARMY. I know there is a physical test you have to pass (the APFT or i guess PRT), I've not found a straight answer on when this has to be taken. Will it be before my packet can be submitted (before I enlist) or after basic traing? Also, I took the ASTB for the Navy about 2 months ago, does that count against the future ASVAB I have to take soon? Thanks :)


I have a few questions. I am in the process of applying as a civilian for Warrant Officer Aviation in the ARMY. I know there is a physical test you have to pass (the APFT or i guess PRT), I've not found a straight answer on when this has to be taken. Will it be before my packet can be submitted (before I enlist) or after basic traing? Also, I took the ASTB for the Navy about 2 months ago, does that count against the future ASVAB I have to take soon? Thanks :)

I know nothing about the army.

What little i do know, is all Navy.


Fresh out of the test 7/7/6 58. I need a no BS assessment for flight school I don't know how competitive that is.

Welcome to AW.

You do know that in flight school you will have to wipe your own butt, and do your own research right?

If you put the slightest amount of effort into using the search function, all your queries will be answered.

Your test scores are decent. If you want a % break down of scores on a histogram graph.... well there is one, use the search function, its here.

Just a warning, don't ask "what are my chances.... yadda yadda yadda" It doesnt go over too well here.

More than just your astb will be needed to asses if you are a competitive applicant. LOR's, Criminal Record, GPA, College Major, extra curricular activities, community service.... ect.

FYI, my application stands almost an inch high on my recruiters desk, just shows there is a whole lot more than just ASTB scores.


Active Member
I have a few questions. I am in the process of applying as a civilian for Warrant Officer Aviation in the ARMY. I know there is a physical test you have to pass (the APFT or i guess PRT), I've not found a straight answer on when this has to be taken. Will it be before my packet can be submitted (before I enlist) or after basic traing? Also, I took the ASTB for the Navy about 2 months ago, does that count against the future ASVAB I have to take soon? Thanks :)
Wow. From civilian to warrant officer just like that? :icon_wink

PS, this is a Navy/Marine website for the most part, centered around naval aviation predominately. This forum (ASTB) is for newbs mostly: guys that are about to take the ASTB, or just have. There are much better forums within AW to ask this question. I'd love to see if they are confused as I am, but give it a shot anyhow.

Good luck. -I don't know the Army forums' website, but ArmyOCS.com (I think Army has OCS too... may be wrong; if so, use the other ending (OTS, ect)) may be a good place to start.

And take that all with a grain of salt. -Besides the good luck part. ;)


New Member

Ya, I was originally going for Navy, and forgot this was a Navy site. Thank you very much for the site info, I will check it out!


New Member
I got a question. Everyone know there are SAT classes and tutors. Does anyone know if there are ASTB tutors around? If there are, is there any in the Pensacola area?


I got a question. Everyone know there are SAT classes and tutors. Does anyone know if there are ASTB tutors around? If there are, is there any in the Pensacola area?

If you really feel the need for a tutor, get with a SAT or GRE tutor. That would be fine for the OAR. The other sections of the ASTB, not so much.

Review the books / practice tests the board has talked about, and you will be fine. If you have questions regarding specific questions and their answers, post with those questions.


New Member
I was just wondering. I really don't need a tutor, but thanks tho. I have been studying everything I can get a hold of. Yes I will start posting questions that I have trouble with. Thanks again blarged!


New Member
I am currently studying Arco but reading through this thread found another recommended source, Marine Gouge. I looked for the mentioned Marine Gouge, and could not find it. I went through a couple of times. Thought maybe I missed it or overlooked it, but I still could not find anything on it. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanx in advance.


Divo without a division
I am currently studying Arco but reading through this thread found another recommended source, Marine Gouge. I looked for the mentioned Marine Gouge, and could not find it. I went through a couple of times. Thought maybe I missed it or overlooked it, but I still could not find anything on it. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanx in advance.

you can download it from this site
