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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
For emergencies they give you all the correct procedures and respective dials/buttons to hit in order before you start that section of the exam. So just read what the test tells you, write them down you should be good to go.
I noticed we had pretty similar scores, did you only prepare with the app along with the gomez/kyle drive?


New Member
I noticed we had pretty similar scores, did you only prepare with the app along with the gomez/kyle drive?
Yes, along with help from a friend who’s an engineer to better understand mechanics, it helps I already have a decent intuitive understanding of mechanics because of my hobbies with cars and what not. Also I was always decent at math in school. As for the PBM, I’ve always been into airplanes and flying games since I was a kid so I knew a lot of the stuff on the test, but I used the app a lot for the UAV and terrain ID section. The drives helped me a lot for practice tests.


New Member
First time taking the ASTB today, scored as follows:

50 6/8/6, 3.9 GPA in Accounting. Recruiter said those are solid stats for SNA BDCP, so I will be applying with those scores.

Honestly the whole test did not seem as bad as I thought it would be. MST and MCT ended early for me, and so did the ANIT I think. I used Gomez and Kyle drives, along with the ASTB Prep App. The app is really good for the UAV portion, and the dichotic listening portion as well. If anyone's got any questions I'd be willing to help. Best thing I can recommend aside from studying is going in with a clear and well-rested mind. This does wonders for test taking.
Did you use the Barons Test prep book? Do you have links to those files? Thank you!


New Member
I just got my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro working for the Jantzen's Sim on Mac. I am having issues with the mouse and joystick both sending inputs and interfering with eachother on every browser I try. Has anyone else had this problem? Makes it difficult to actually practice. Thank you!


How much of an impact did those system crashes have on you?

It could just be nerves from taking it the first time; were the questions pretty similar to what you studied?
- Honestly there is no way for me to know, I will say it was demoralizing to watch the test buffer for 10 minutes then have a proctor reset it a few times the first day then about 6 times the second day. Every time it crashed on the pbm section I had to recalibrate the stick and throttle completely. For other sections it would put me in the same sections but with different times then what I left off with. For math I had some cubed roots which I didn't revise at all (I am now), but I think I did fine anyway, other than that everything was pretty familiar from what I recall.

- I could blame the system, I could blame my nerves, anything really, but what I'm 100% sure of is I got all UAV questions correct with a fast time (it shows you if you get those right). Very very confident I got all terrain right and very confident on all things related to the stick and throttle. To back that up all my scores on the app prove it and I've been practicing all sims and joystick stuff for a little over two months with amazing scores near the test day. The first day it was really depressing, but at this point though it is what it is, there is nothing I can do besides revise and study and wait for the next test day at a different location. Which is December 20th, and I will make another much better update then. My only current advice is if apex crashes and your ASTB isn't working, get out and reschedule before it is too late.


Well-Known Member
- Honestly there is no way for me to know, I will say it was demoralizing to watch the test buffer for 10 minutes then have a proctor reset it a few times the first day then about 6 times the second day. Every time it crashed on the pbm section I had to recalibrate the stick and throttle completely. For other sections it would put me in the same sections but with different times then what I left off with. For math I had some cubed roots which I didn't revise at all (I am now), but I think I did fine anyway, other than that everything was pretty familiar from what I recall.

- I could blame the system, I could blame my nerves, anything really, but what I'm 100% sure of is I got all UAV questions correct with a fast time (it shows you if you get those right). Very very confident I got all terrain right and very confident on all things related to the stick and throttle. To back that up all my scores on the app prove it and I've been practicing all sims and joystick stuff for a little over two months with amazing scores near the test day. The first day it was really depressing, but at this point though it is what it is, there is nothing I can do besides revise and study and wait for the next test day at a different location. Which is December 20th, and I will make another much better update then. My only current advice is if apex crashes and your ASTB isn't working, get out and reschedule before it is too late.
How do you think you did on ANIT? It seems like that could be the only thing you struggled with if you did really well on uav, terrain, and pbm.

I took the ASTB for the first time and got a 51, 6/7/6. I plan on retaking but I have some questions about the PBM. What are the proper fire, engine, and propeller inputs during the emergency procedures section?

- Ben Welch says "Scenario 1 “engine fire”- Mixture to min, Fuel to min. Scenario 2 “Engine failure”- Mixture to full, fuel to full. Scenario 3- Mixture to full, Fuel to middle." (Jan 27, 2014) #76

- E6BFlightComp says "fire you set the engine rpm to 0%, the fuel to 0% and pressed the clutch button. Engine, rpm to 100%, fuel to 100% and press the clutch button. Last it was propeller, set engine to 100% and fuel to 50% and press the button". (Oct 9, 2019) #5,197

I understand that these two individuals made similar comments, however, on "Jantzen and Mike's ASTB trainer" there are different inputs for the emergency procedures. They are listed as follows: Fire Emergency - Fuel 100%, Engine 0%; Engine Emergency - Fuel 0%, Engine 100%; Propeller Emergency - Fuel 50%, Engine 100%.

If anyone knows which of these is correct please let me know. As for now, I don't think I will use the emergency situations portion of the trainer to avoid confusion. Below is the link for "Jantzen and Mike's ASTB trainer" if you want to check it out!

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply and I will gladly answer anyone looking for advice for the exam via DM or this thread!
Im not to sure If I remember the inputs correctly, but a great piece of advice for the emergency procedures during the test. They will go in order of how they're explained in the directions... ex Fire, then prop, then engine. or whatever it is. You can set the inputs ahead of time before the emergency happens and simply hit the clutch once it pops up on the test.

I know this wasnt your questions but this helped me nail the EP section.


How do you think you did on ANIT? It seems like that could be the only thing you struggled with if you did really well on uav, terrain, and pbm.
I felt confident with all the studying, YouTube videos, and fascination I have with aircraft, but it's possible I didn't do well. I have heard that your math affects the first number in the score too.


Im not to sure If I remember the inputs correctly, but a great piece of advice for the emergency procedures during the test. They will go in order of how they're explained in the directions... ex Fire, then prop, then engine. or whatever it is. You can set the inputs ahead of time before the emergency happens and simply hit the clutch once it pops up on the test.

I know this wasnt your questions but this helped me nail the EP section.
For your test you set the knobs in the proper directions beforehand and that worked? Also, do you know if you were to hypothetically fail an EP, would it let you know?


Well-Known Member
Im not to sure If I remember the inputs correctly, but a great piece of advice for the emergency procedures during the test. They will go in order of how they're explained in the directions... ex Fire, then prop, then engine. or whatever it is. You can set the inputs ahead of time before the emergency happens and simply hit the clutch once it pops up on the test.

I know this wasnt your questions but this helped me nail the EP section.
Listen to this guy I never heard that but wish I would have before I took it


Well-Known Member
For your test you set the knobs in the proper directions beforehand and that worked? Also, do you know if you were to hypothetically fail an EP, would it let you know?
I think the screen turns red if you are running out of time, but i'm not sure if it tells you if you were wrong.


New Member
When using the ASTB PREP app, what is your average score on the dichotic listening test? I’ve been averaging around the 60s. Is the DLT portion on the actual test easier than the app?


Well-Known Member
When using the ASTB PREP app, what is your average score on the dichotic listening test? I’ve been averaging around the 60s. Is the DLT portion on the actual test easier than the app?
I don’t have much experience with the astb prep app dichotic listening, but I felt the dichotic listening on the jantzen sim is pretty close. The most important part is READ the instructions on the real test. I could see if someone rushed through the instructions they could mistake the buttons they need to use and numbers they need to pay attentions to. Also make sure you have the headphones on the correct direction.


New Member
I don’t have much experience with the astb prep app dichotic listening, but I felt the dichotic listening on the jantzen sim is pretty close. The most important part is READ the instructions on the real test. I could see if someone rushed through the instructions they could mistake the buttons they need to use and numbers they need to pay attentions to. Also make sure you have the headphones on the correct direction.
Am I able to use jantzem on a Mac?