Seriously go through all the practice stuff on the drives here. Anything you aren’t familiar with look up, and the ASTB app if you’re getting almost everything right with all very hard mostly you should be ok. I felt pretty shaky on MCT but definitely be comfortable with conceptual stuff, and the bullet question I got twice. take the advice of everyone on this thread, it is invaluable, I owe it to everyone sharing their experiences and advice here. Cram cards for ANIT everyone says is sufficient, i took every question from this, the app, and the practice tests that I didn’t know and put them all in a Quizlet to study. I felt like I was under prepared but ended up scoring 60 8/9/8. Invest the $100 or so for the X52 I found one on marketplace, it is a life changing test so I think it’s well worth the investment, I used it with ASTB app everyday for a few weeks until it felt decently easy.