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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


SNA Select
@Nnamdi25 your GPA is your biggest minus. 2.7 in a technical degree might be okay, but a 2.7 in a non-tech degree and your probably dead in the water. (Your profile is empty)

What did your OR say about your GPA?

At this point, the only way to make your application stronger is to re-take the ASTB and shoot for 9’s.
I asked about my gpa and they said even with that they feel I’m really competitive as the boards are looking at the astb more. I played college football and was on leadership council for 3 yrs in hs and 2 yrs In college. And I have 200 hrs and my commercial license and instrument rating. My degree was in business management.


Well-Known Member
I asked about my gpa and they said even with that they feel I’m really competitive as the boards are looking at the astb more. I played college football and was on leadership council for 3 yrs in hs and 2 yrs In college. And I have 200 hrs and my commercial license and instrument rating. My degree was in business management.
It is your ASTB that will get you selected, your GPA could hurt you a little bit, the rest doesn't matter.


Active Member
It’s not an if or maybe situation. They simply won’t look at it. They don’t care about flight hours, LOR’s, a good statement, or anything that isn’t GPA or ASTB.
It’s my understanding that the board is required to review everything submitted with the package. I have a contact that sits on the board. When I asked them what to include I was told ATSB and GPA are the biggest factors… however, motivational statement and LOR’s can be huge assets to show why you belong in the officer/ aviation community.

The whole “ don’t include it because they won’t even look at it” is bad gouge in my opinion.


Hey! I know you recently took the ASTB, have any tips or tricks to the terrain ID portion? I've read from some gouge that using a rose compass helps out but if there any other easier and time saving ways to go about it, could you please share? Thanks!


Active Member
Hey! I know you recently took the ASTB, have any tips or tricks to the terrain ID portion? I've read from some gouge that using a rose compass helps out but if there any other easier and time saving ways to go about it, could you please share? Thanks!
Check out the ASTB prep app on the App Store. They have terrain ID sections and practice for the UAV that is very helpful. Worth the money!


Well-Known Member
It’s my understanding that the board is required to review everything submitted with the package. I have a contact that sits on the board. When I asked them what to include I was told ATSB and GPA are the biggest factors… however, motivational statement and LOR’s can be huge assets to show why you belong in the officer/ aviation community.

The whole “ don’t include it because they won’t even look at it” is bad gouge in my opinion.
I’m not saying to not include it. I understand that you are supposed to submit LOR’s, a motivational statement, and all the other ‘fluff.’ I’m simply stating to not worry about the ‘quality’ of these items as they will not be looked at and will not help your case.


Well-Known Member
It’s my understanding that the board is required to review everything submitted with the package. I have a contact that sits on the board. When I asked them what to include I was told ATSB and GPA are the biggest factors… however, motivational statement and LOR’s can be huge assets to show why you belong in the officer/ aviation community.

The whole “ don’t include it because they won’t even look at it” is bad gouge in my opinion.
So have I, and they take just a few minutes per application at best, check ASTB, GPA, and move on.

There is a reason why immediate selection is only based on ASTB, GPA, and no non-medical waivers.

There are consistently applicants selected with no LOR's, and a 4 sentence motivational statement.

Like has been said and come out from those who have sat the boards at NRC they need to pick those who have the best chance of making it through flight school.

They also do not have to review the entire application, boards have been known to make across the board cuts based on GPA or waivers without even looking at the applications.

If a person has a waiver you can't take chances as they probably will look to see if you are worth accepting.


Making Recruiting Great Again
It’s my understanding that the board is required to review everything submitted with the package. I have a contact that sits on the board. When I asked them what to include I was told ATSB and GPA are the biggest factors… however, motivational statement and LOR’s can be huge assets to show why you belong in the officer/ aviation community.

The whole “ don’t include it because they won’t even look at it” is bad gouge in my opinion.

Ever seen Toy Story, the first one? You are Buzz Lightgear right now, especially trying to debate those who have years / decades of recruiting experience.


Active Member
Ever seen Toy Story, the first one? You are Buzz Lightgear right now, especially trying to debate those who have years / decades of recruiting experience.
Why so quick to insult? I’m simply passing along information that I received from a current board member… whose job is to review packages and select applicants… you can believe whatever you want. I’m going to go with the gouge straight from the horses mouth


Well-Known Member
Why so quick to insult? I’m simply passing along information that I received from a current board member… whose job is to review packages and select applicants… you can believe whatever you want. I’m going to go with the gouge straight from the horses mouth
Dude…you’re arguing with a recruiter whose job it was to know the selection process in and out to be able to best prepare his applicants. I know you’re a big shot and probably better than us all but pipe down.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Why so quick to insult? I’m simply passing along information that I received from a current board member… whose job is to review packages and select applicants… you can believe whatever you want. I’m going to go with the gouge straight from the horses mouth

It’s not an insult, it’s simply stating facts backed by years of proven experience.

Of course all board members will say that, however when an aviation board convenes and adjourns on the same day, how can you really believe the board members truly read every single motivational statement and LOR for 200-300+ applicants.

If you don’t believe us go through the various aviation boards and the stats of those selected. Common denominator: ASTB scores.


SNA Select
It’s not an insult, it’s simply stating facts backed by years of proven experience.

Of course all board members will say that, however when an aviation board convenes and adjourns on the same day, how can you really believe the board members truly read every single motivational statement and LOR for 200-300+ applicants.

If you don’t believe us go through the various aviation boards and the stats of those selected. Common denominator: ASTB scores.
Genuine question here. If aviation boards convene after a day why does it take 2+ weeks to hear back the results?


Active Member
Dude…you’re arguing with a recruiter whose job it was to know the selection process in and out to be able to best prepare his applicants. I know you’re a big shot and probably better than us all but pipe down.
I’m no big shot and It was never an argument. A simple statement of what I was told. What’s the point of a forum for sharing information if new information is shot down so hastily?

Please forgive me for trying to be helpful by sharing what was relayed to me by a current member of the board… that’s selects pilot applicants

In all seriousness though, I appreciate all you ex-recruiters do for us new guys looking for help. You guys really provide a lot of great insight.
