Hello all,
First off I wanted to say, this ish works. For reference my first attempt was a
5/5/5, and I just finished my second attempt with a
6/7/6. Wanted to shoutout
@JFinley for his studying strat. Works wonders, Anyways I'll go over on what I believe went right, wrong, and my $0.02, that somebody could use to get a higher score than me. For anyone curious about my stats:
Grade: Junior
GPA: 2.8
Major: Mechanical Engineering
*Not interested in regurgitating the same info that's been spewed here so If you have any super specific content questions just refer to the drives.
This was probably my worse section. I had a lot of geometry questions, probability, discounts, one trig problem, fraction problems, and simple algebraic simplification. No D=RT, no logs, or other wordy arithmetic questions. Was kicked out early on here again.
Nothing new here. Boring navy hooplah. Worked all the way up to the time limit.
I had friction, Work =FD, Weight = m/g, kinematics, pendulum, inertia, and a couple electrical problems as well so know ohms law (V=IR). I also had the tried and true "drop a bullet and shoot a bullet horizontally" question.
Read carefully, they disguise the easiest answers behind a mountain of words. I would say, do the flash cards here, watch that MIT ground course video, and take some time to understand the physics of the plane, and it's controls. Along with that know basic ship terminology. One question that threw me off was "What would you do when you're landing after a big plane" or something of the sorts.
This is the portion that crashed on me. Twice. During the listening portions of the exam. Not sure if it affected my score or anything but I felt like it could've, but I digress. Get the ASTB app. Do it. The UAV practice on that app is pivotal to getting a good score. So is the Terrain ID. Also do the practice sim that's been floating around here. Get a couple attempts on it.
What I used:
- Barron's 8th Edition
-ASTB Prep App
- Kyle's Drive
- Gomez's Drive
- Youtube
1. Don't buy Barron's. Waste of money. Genuinely, all the information you need to do well is on this forum. The only coins you can spend is on the ASTB Prep App; but this is coming from a broke college student.
2. My study plan was simple: I watched
ALL of the content on CourseHero's Youtube channel (ASVAB Review), for a baseline review, and after that started doing problems in the drives. Nightly, I would do 2 rounds of UAV/TID. I did the sims 3 times before retaking it. If you don't understand it Youtube it, or if you're in college bring it to an office hour of some sorts to get it explained.
3. If possible, take the test "fresh," aka not after classes or work or such. I had some classes before my test. Bad play imo.
4. Get a good night's sleep before hand, stay hydrated throughout the day, and bring a snack (or 2.)
Final Thoughts:
According to what I see on the OCS guy's SNA/SNFO selection boards I think I have a good chance of getting picked up for SNA, but I'm not sure. Hopefully, any ROTC guys can chime in here, or someone more knowledgeable than me. Also, if it's not evident by the GPA, I'm not the smartest guy, but If
I can get this score, then
YOU can get this score and higher, it's literally how much more work you put in. Might retake depending on how everyone in my unit does (if I'm the lowest score then I'll retake), but honestly might keep it.
Best of luck to everyone.