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16AUG2021 SWO Board


New Member
I am AD. SWO was my only choice and I’m stationed in Lemoore been awaiting results since APRIL21 I missed last board because I was till in college and this board still has not published results. Just turned 23 in April got everything I could and was still updating my package after submitting which I found out I could do. Seeing the names makes me very nervous because I’m a W and my PRD is coming up next year so I would like to know where I’m going…. Hopefully to OCS.
HM3 Wright, Jawaun

I’m W as well. Ive contacted my recruiter yesterday and was told there is no results and to wait a week or two more. My first choice is supply, board meets next week. What is PRD?


I’m W as well. Ive contacted my recruiter yesterday and was told there is no results and to wait a week or two more. My first choice is supply, board meets next week. What is PRD?
PRD is you projected rotating date like changing duty stations. I have been stationed on NAS Lemoore since April18 and my PRD is JUL22 meaning by that time or prior to I will be rotating to another duty station or to school like C school or in my case OCS hopefully.


New Member
PRD is you projected rotating date like changing duty stations. I have been stationed on NAS Lemoore since April18 and my PRD is JUL22 meaning by that time or prior to I will be rotating to another duty station or to school like C school or in my case OCS hopefully.

I see. My EAS is in March, so I’m hoping for OCS too.


THIS IS NOT THE BOARD LIST! But has some good information to go off of…. I looked and came up with my own thoughts hopefully it means good fortune for some people to ease their mines a bit.

Thanks for the post!

I would like to hear out some of your thoughts if you don’t mind? I’m curious as to how you think things are going, trends are going, etc.?


Well-Known Member
Definitely some good info with 93 person selection rate the current board would be around 40% however they could go above or below that said quota. Obviously we all think we are competitive but it depends on what the board defines as competitive. Don’t give up, keep going.


Thanks for the post!

I would like to hear out some of your thoughts if you don’t mind? I’m curious as to how you think things are going, trends are going, etc.?
So from the past board which was aviation at the beginning of the month of August they had 253 applicants and selected 186. That’s over half and with fy22 starting in October they are seeming picking more to fill the quota as in picking now that are for the current fy21. So to me it would mean they are picking more that are meeting the requirements to ensure they are meeting the quota for the next fy. And me being AD and it’s not even 20 of us compared to 252 total applicants that were at-board tells me at a glance that if you are hitting the wickets they want especially since the new program authorization released in March leaves me to believe a lot of people have a shot if you have the requirements even on waivers. For me I’m 23 my gpa was a 3.29 and I only been on AD for 4 years exactly and I joined straight out of high school and I expressed a desire to be a SWO I think it would it be a good select in my opinion. So in my corner I would say if you want to be a SWO and you know the work it requires and you showed a desire in your package and those interviews said you really want it they help you should be on ya way! I want a full career maybe even past 20 years and I put that all in my package with all my supporting documents I received calls from millington throughout the whole journey they actually helped me get a conditional release and wavier when I applied so I hope it was all for it. So that’s my take… I know it’s long but I’m passionate about this shit fr!

AZ Auxiliary

Well-Known Member
Love to see the passion. SWO, from what I've read, seen, watched, heard from forums/videos/prior service members. Is a field a lot of people seem to want to avoid or bad mouth as a highly Poltical community with back stabbing and poor working environments. But I'm pumped at the thought of earning an opportunity to be a part of the SWO community . (Also that excel format makes me feel like I'm looking at some real classified stuff)