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1Nov2021 SNA/SNFO Board


Well-Known Member
Im not afraid of heights I’m afraid of hitting the ground. Only a problem when I’m falling haha
Lol reminds me of my CFI teaching me sectional chart structures and their heights. MSL and AGL. He said the top number is the altitude you will hit it at, the bottom number is how far you will fall :)


I agree with you there, let the navy show you how to fly even if you’re a pilot already. Civilians pick up bad flying habits
I think it is more terminology than bad flying habits. I have a friend that just graduated NIFE, and we attended the same flight school. He said the race track patterns and terminology were the only major differences.


Well-Known Member
This was posted by a GroupMe member.

View attachment 33948

I was also informed our results had been out for 2 weeks now (unofficial, of course). Which is awfully early for them to finalize and, now, awfully late for them to not post, lol?!
Do you know if that person receiving the email, David, has already applied and is waiting for an OCS date or is someone looking to apply?