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1Nov2021 SNA/SNFO Board


Well-Known Member
@OldArmyChris and anyone who got their #2 choice and are think about saying no....TAKE THE SLOT GODDAMMIT. This is your chance to serve, and to serve at the highest level. They make movies about this job!

This aint my first rodeo. This is my NINTH F'ING RODEO. I have been through the pipeline 9 different times and got cut 8 times until today. You are 23. On my 23rd birthday I was sitting on a couch staring at a wall because 9 days before I dislocated my shoulder in a training accident at Fort Knox and lost my ROTC scholarship. That's why I needed a medical waiver. I kept applying for JAG slots, kept going to the interviews, kept rewriting my writing sample, getting new LOR's, all to get the same form letter in the mail THREE TIMES. For 10 years all the "what if's" in my head. They don't go away. Honestly, I gave up on this. I gained 60 pounds just from not caring, and it took me 5 years to lose that weight.

May 2020. I am 31 years old, I lost BOTH of my jobs in the last month, and I walked into an enlisted recruiter's office. I was ready to mop the floor of the chow hall for the next 4 years and I would be happy to do it just to get my chance to serve. I see what my options are. I apply for Air Force JAG three times in 2020 and 2021. REJECTED. I found out they send an email now instead of a letter. Same thing for Army JAG. Did the interview, spent 2 months drafting a new writing sample on the pandemic eviction ban, REJECTED AGAIN. Navy says talk to an officer recruiter, I take the test, and here we are today.

Saying no to NFO is like being offered the job of rock star and saying no because they want you to be the bassist instead of lead singer. ARE YOU CRAZY???? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! I don't want you to go through the same last 10 years I did. There is a chance we will get NAMI whammys and not get to be NFO's anyways. Do you want a commission? Do you want to serve your country? Do you want to provide a good life for your family? TAKE THE SLOT and I will see you on March 6th.


Well-Known Member
I'm right there with you man! Like FY-22... well FY-22 just started so what can I expect? maybe @exNavyOffRec can shed some light on this for us?
I can tell you more as well, i am a YN1 that was picked up on september 13th, my command was notified on the 15th. Once my command notified me and responded by the 22nd with a request that i be placed in the next available ocs class. NRC came back with a class date of 27Mar2022. Class quotas are broken down into a few categories, 1. designator 2. gender 3.affiliant status (civilian/AD). AD are alotted a certain amount of slots per class is what I was told my NRC. I gathered tons of info lol

Michael Campbell

Well-Known Member
So, any tips on making my package better for the next go around in May? Like I said, I scored a 53 6/8/6 on my second attempt so I don’t know if I should risk taking the ASTB again. A few people had lower scores than me and were picked up so I think they’re pretty decent. Should I try and incorporate flight hours? Still stunned over the news so I’m trying to give myself the next best possible chance. I also have a waiver for LASIK but all of my medical came back good and I waited the 6+ months to apply. Hoping that wasn’t the issue because I’m seeing 20/15 now

any advice would be welcome. Thanks y’all!


@OldArmyChris and anyone who got their #2 choice and are think about saying no....TAKE THE SLOT GODDAMMIT. This is your chance to serve, and to serve at the highest level. They make movies about this job!

This aint my first rodeo. This is my NINTH F'ING RODEO. I have been through the pipeline 9 different times and got cut 8 times until today. You are 23. On my 23rd birthday I was sitting on a couch staring at a wall because 9 days before I dislocated my shoulder in a training accident at Fort Knox and lost my ROTC scholarship. That's why I needed a medical waiver. I kept applying for JAG slots, kept going to the interviews, kept rewriting my writing sample, getting new LOR's, all to get the same form letter in the mail THREE TIMES. For 10 years all the "what if's" in my head. They don't go away. Honestly, I gave up on this. I gained 60 pounds just from not caring, and it took me 5 years to lose that weight.

May 2020. I am 31 years old, I lost BOTH of my jobs in the last month, and I walked into an enlisted recruiter's office. I was ready to mop the floor of the chow hall for the next 4 years and I would be happy to do it just to get my chance to serve. I see what my options are. I apply for Air Force JAG three times in 2020 and 2021. REJECTED. I found out they send an email now instead of a letter. Same thing for Army JAG. Did the interview, spent 2 months drafting a new writing sample on the pandemic eviction ban, REJECTED AGAIN. Navy says talk to an officer recruiter, I take the test, and here we are today.

Saying no to NFO is like being offered the job of rock star and saying no because they want you to be the bassist instead of lead singer. ARE YOU CRAZY???? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! I don't want you to go through the same last 10 years I did. There is a chance we will get NAMI whammys and not get to be NFO's anyways. Do you want a commission? Do you want to serve your country? Do you want to provide a good life for your family? TAKE THE SLOT and I will see you on March 6th.

Bravo Zulu!

This is what the American dream is all about! I’m very proud of you, @MilsurpMan, I can’t wait to see you out in the fleet!

“If there’s a will there is a way!”


So, any tips on making my package better for the next go around in May? Like I said, I scored a 53 6/8/6 on my second attempt so I don’t know if I should risk taking the ASTB again. A few people had lower scores than me and were picked up so I think they’re pretty decent. Should I try and incorporate flight hours? Still stunned over the news so I’m trying to give myself the next best possible chance. I also have a waiver for LASIK but all of my medical came back good and I waited the 6+ months to apply. Hoping that wasn’t the issue because I’m seeing 20/15 now

any advice would be welcome. Thanks y’all!
Maybe try getting a letter of rec from an O3 or higher?