Several things to remember is that the vast majority of OR's out there are just looking out for themselves, many are not true OR's as they have not been to OR recruiting school, and quite a few don't know how to use the systems they have.
Those that have OR's that haven't been to OR recruiting school are at a disadvantage as during the school you go over every PA, get briefed on the forms, how to put an application together, etc....
I would never every have an applicant apply for SNA and SNFO if they were willing to accept either, if a person was only wanted SNA then that is what went down as we are dealing with a person life for the next 8+ years, people get the short end of the stick in the USN all the time, there is no reason to have a person's introduction to the USN getting the short end of the stick.
It is not uncommon for me to look at a post of someone who wanted SNA and was instead picked for SNFO and then ask why they applied for it, this is not a dig at the person but to understand, we must remember that often that person was given bad advice by someone that should be looking out for their best interest.
It is important to also keep things civil as a person in that circumstance is probably stressed out enough over what has happened.