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1Nov2021 SNA/SNFO Board


I believe forgery is still federal crime even though not charged as a felon. You can consume marijuana in states where it's legal but it's still felony or at least it was
Are the emergency procedures confusing? It seems like theres a very specific way you need to have your switches set in order for it to score properly? or am I thinking too much into it.
You're able to write them down and practice before you move on


Well-Known Member
I believe forgery is still federal crime even though not charged as a felon. You can consume marijuana in states where it's legal but it's still felony or at least it was
There are several state crimes that can be felonies if committed at a federal level and some crimes are felonies in some states but misdemeanors in others.

They look at what the charge is not what it could be, I was in the discussion on this individual and it was the fact it was altering or making fake ID's, I think that was actually the charge "altering or manufacturer of false identification"

The end result is that no matter what the charge, if sealed or expunged the federal government will be notified and has to evaluate the charge as it was.


Well-Known Member
Are the emergency procedures confusing? It seems like theres a very specific way you need to have your switches set in order for it to score properly? or am I thinking too much into it.
They aren’t confusing, I personally prefer to have it written down even if I had it memorized. This way I can confirm I’m doing it right.


Well-Known Member
They aren’t confusing, I personally prefer to have it written down even if I had it memorized. This way I can confirm I’m doing it right.
I didn't do crazy good, I even had a section that I didn't do on the test because it skipped the directions lol (happened to be the listening portion and just immediately started so I didn't know which to push based on the commands being given in the headset). Best advice is before each section is a break that'll give you time to read directions etc. Use this time to read slowly and carefully, shadow the controls and practice the procedures according to the directions. Then get yourself calm, heart rate down etc, and then go.


Well-Known Member
I know my scores were on the "lower end" of the rest of the selects however, I believe my LORs, Motivational Statement, and flight hours made the difference 100%. If anyone would like copies to view (names and personal info edited out) I'd be more than happy to share.


I know my scores were on the "lower end" of the rest of the selects however, I believe my LORs, Motivational Statement, and flight hours made the difference 100%. If anyone would like copies to view (names and personal info edited out) I'd be more than happy to share.
I’d be up for it


Well-Known Member
Are the emergency procedures confusing? It seems like theres a very specific way you need to have your switches set in order for it to score properly? or am I thinking too much into it.

write down the procedures on a piece of scratch paper in a checklist format. Take your time between each emergency. Reset the controls/buttons to neutral after each one. Don’t rush through it, just complete each item one after another. You’ll be fine if you do that. I completed all three with no issues using that approach
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