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We’ve also had a lot more rumors stomped out early on where as other boards let rumors run rampant. Also the November board forum was growing by 10 pages a day which I’d prefer this forum not todo


Well-Known Member
I mean, we're in the agonizing waiting stage now, where everything is done and submitted and now we're just waiting to hear if we're going to be considered at this board/get a pro-rec Y. Not much to do except spread rumors, post memes, and sit on our hands.


Well-Known Member
I mean, we're in the agonizing waiting stage now, where everything is done and submitted and now we're just waiting to hear if we're going to be considered at this board/get a pro-rec Y. Not much to do except spread rumors, post memes, and sit on our hands.
Yeah so my wife's father-in-law who's an O-6 was telling me that everyone who makes this board will get an automatic Pro-Rec-Y for SNA and SNFO.

Apparently, the Navy is looking to ramp up the number of pilots it has in the Pacific fleet due to increased Chinese aggression
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