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Well-Known Member
Not that I’m looking to change teams, but does anyone know if it’s still largely true that AF pilot slots are only open to academy and afrotc grads?


Hey everyone, I'm just as anxious as everyone on here for the board and results! I have a ProRec-Y for SWO and had an OCS date for next month, but I injured my shoulder by overworking pushups. Apparently my body didn't like the 200/day I was putting it through. But I think this is a blessing in disguise. I made contact with an NFO who has served AD for 18 years and still AD now. He told me horror stories about SWOs and really turned me off. Really he just confirmed what most people were saying on this site about SWOs anyways, but it was different hearing it from someone I know has experience.

Do you guys think there will be a significant red flag next to my name if I deny the SWO commission and continue pursuing NFO boards in the future? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm just as anxious as everyone on here for the board and results! I have a ProRec-Y for SWO and had an OCS date for next month, but I injured my shoulder by overworking pushups. Apparently my body didn't like the 200/day I was putting it through. But I think this is a blessing in disguise. I made contact with an NFO who has served AD for 18 years and still AD now. He told me horror stories about SWOs and really turned me off. Really he just confirmed what most people were saying on this site about SWOs anyways, but it was different hearing it from someone I know has experience.

Do you guys think there will be a significant red flag next to my name if I deny the SWO commission and continue pursuing NFO boards in the future? Thank you.
What is a red flag for me in your statement is they normally don't assign an OCS date unless there are not other boards for you to go to, or if you were selected for your highest choice and you are being pulled from the other boards.

What order were your choices in? and are you sure your recruiter put the choices in the order you wanted?

It is possible due to the need for SWO's they just put a date for you in case NFO was a no go, but this would be one of the rare cases.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm just as anxious as everyone on here for the board and results! I have a ProRec-Y for SWO and had an OCS date for next month, but I injured my shoulder by overworking pushups. Apparently my body didn't like the 200/day I was putting it through. But I think this is a blessing in disguise. I made contact with an NFO who has served AD for 18 years and still AD now. He told me horror stories about SWOs and really turned me off. Really he just confirmed what most people were saying on this site about SWOs anyways, but it was different hearing it from someone I know has experience.

Do you guys think there will be a significant red flag next to my name if I deny the SWO commission and continue pursuing NFO boards in the future? Thank you.
Weird, it’s like you’re already operating with an officer mindset and blatantly ignoring information that the enlisted are trying to give you to help you.
When you become an officer don’t make this a habit, you lead the team as the O and trusting/backing your sailors is vital.
As for the injury, hopefully it’s only minor.


What is a red flag for me in your statement is they normally don't assign an OCS date unless there are not other boards for you to go to, or if you were selected for your highest choice and you are being pulled from the other boards.

What order were your choices in? and are you sure your recruiter put the choices in the order you wanted?

It is possible due to the need for SWO's they just put a date for you in case NFO was a no go, but this would be one of the rare cases.
I can confirm from my signed APSR that I listed SNA, SNFO, SWO in that order. I suppose it's possible he would've changed it but he always knew that SWO wasn't the reason I walked into his office. I got a letter from N3M after MEPS stating I couldn't go SNA due to depth perception so I assumed that made SNFO the first choice. It wouldn't make sense for it to be otherwise, but I haven't confirmed with the recruiter.

As for the original question I asked, an AF officer recruiter told me that declining the SWO commission would look bad on me across all branches. I'm not considering AF since their pipeline is backed up for years. I'm sure it wouldn't help my package but I just hope it doesn't blackball me!


Well-Known Member
I can confirm from my signed APSR that I listed SNA, SNFO, SWO in that order. I suppose it's possible he would've changed it but he always knew that SWO wasn't the reason I walked into his office. I got a letter from N3M after MEPS stating I couldn't go SNA due to depth perception so I assumed that made SNFO the first choice. It wouldn't make sense for it to be otherwise, but I haven't confirmed with the recruiter.

As for the original question I asked, an AF officer recruiter told me that declining the SWO commission would look bad on me across all branches. I'm not considering AF since their pipeline is backed up for years. I'm sure it wouldn't help my package but I just hope it doesn't blackball me!
It might be that since they are low on SWO's they took a shot and gave you an OCS date so you are prepared to leave.

In the past declining SWO and then trying for aviation wasn't that bad, now however things have changed as the spots went from "lots" to "not many". SNFO would be better shot than SNA just due to numbers.