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24MAY2021 Pilot/NFO Board


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother! I wasn't happy with the scores I got, yet they are enough to be eligible for the selection process. Only had a month to study after completing my degree, and I'll be submitting my package this week. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Hopefully they take Navy Divers.
From the last few boards, it seems like prior service is held in pretty high regard by the selection committee. Being a pilot and being a naval officer are two separate things, so someone who already knows what the game is will be ready for what the navy will expect from them as a sailor in addition to being an aviator.

Swoops 24

all of the questions, none of the answers
From the last few boards, it seems like prior service is held in pretty high regard by the selection committee. Being a pilot and being a naval officer are two separate things, so someone who already knows what the game is will be ready for what the navy will expect from them as a sailor in addition to being an aviator.

This is reassuring and comforting as I've been constantly working to complete my degree. I also got PRK surgery in 2017 (the Navy didn't want a blind Diver cutting the wrong cable on a multi-billion dollar submarine) which has provided me with 20/10 vision since then. My mentor said they took roughly 175 SNA/SNFO's out of 230 last year, so I'm hoping there's a good chance of getting picked up. I was unhappy with my scores as they were qualifying and above or around average, yet not so much competitive which goes to show one needs more than a month to study. Who would've thought word problems could stump someone who's taken calculus courses.


Well-Known Member
First time posting to this thread; Applying for SNP (1390) only

Navy Diver 2nd Class (ND2) for 5 years active duty
ASTB: 45 5/6/5 (studied for a month)
Age: 28
Degree: B.S. Aeronautics
GPA: 3.76
Flight Experience: 12 hours in 3 different airframes
Waivers: None
Interviews with Pilot/NFO's: 0-6 (OCS), 0-6 (NWC Dean of students), 0-5, 0-5, & 0-4
Rec Letters: City Mayor, State Senator, 0-7 RADM from Undersea Warfare Development Group (UWDG)
Additional: JSOQ, Volunteer hours (189), MOVSM, some awards, etc.

Officer Recruiter and CCC pushing for me to submit my completed package for this upcoming board

Here's hoping for the best turnout. Best of luck to everyone!

I would keep studying and plan on retaking as your scores are the minimums and that historically doesn't play well with selections.

your other items are great if you were going for SWO or Supply where stuff like that actually mattered, but when it comes to SNA and SNFO they need to select people with the best shot of making it through the pipeline.


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

I was originally supposed to be considered for the 25 Jan board but wasn't considered and got pushed to the next one for unexplained reasons. Definitely hopeful that we get a board date soon. Jumping into this forum so I can stay in the loop and share any news or advice with others.

Going for Intel or SNFO
11 years Prior Service UT2 (SCW/EXW)
Age: 29
Degree: AA Gen Ed., BA Psychology (minor in history), pursuing a MA in International Relations and Global Security
GPA: 3.56
ASTB: 56 7/7/7

Swoops 24

all of the questions, none of the answers
I would keep studying and plan on retaking as your scores are the minimums and that historically doesn't play well with selections.

your other items are great if you were going for SWO or Supply where stuff like that actually mattered, but when it comes to SNA and SNFO they need to select people with the best shot of making it through the pipeline.

Thank you for the feedback. I'm expecting the package to be rejected, yet I've been told that it looks good to submit a package more than once to show commitment (or that might be poor insight). I've already scanned the forum to see which study material and references are best for retaking the ASTB, so hopefully I'll acquire better scores the next time around.
Just out of curiosity, what's the average length of everyone's motivational statement? Mine is sitting around 2000 words but I've seen posts of sub 500 word statements and some near 4500. I'm trying not to go overkill on mine as I know its one of the last deciding factors for the board, but I've rewritten and edited it more times than I can count trying to perfect it.
So from my understanding when it comes to the motivational statement it depends on the route you take to submit your package. I know as someone submitting a fleet package (1420.1b) my application states 500 words or less. As a civilian going through a recruiter, I have heard that you have no word limit.

That being said, I would agree with what some of the others said and don't make it too long. I think short and to the point is better than long and embellished.

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, what's the average length of everyone's motivational statement? Mine is sitting around 2000 words but I've seen posts of sub 500 word statements and some near 4500. I'm trying not to go overkill on mine as I know its one of the last deciding factors for the board, but I've rewritten and edited it more times than I can count trying to perfect it.
That's a 4,500 character limit to include spaces, and is a reduction from the 6,000 character limit from a year and a half ago. As far as I know, the 4,500 character limit is in use as of Spring 2020 for civilian applicants.

So from my understanding when it comes to the motivational statement it depends on the route you take to submit your package. I know as someone submitting a fleet package (1420.1b) my application states 500 words or less. As a civilian going through a recruiter, I have heard that you have no word limit.

That being said, I would agree with what some of the others said and don't make it too long. I think short and to the point is better than long and embellished.
I think it depends on the nature of the content. Embellishing isn't good, simply based on the definition of the word so I would agree to not embellish yourself. I chose to use all 4,500 characters for my motivational statement and it was chock-full of quantifying numbers and statistics. If the statement is lengthy but provides quantifiable data as to why you should be selected over someone else then I think that is just as impactful as a short and to the point statement.

The statement for the aviation board isn't really looked at or considered heavily so I think candidates should do whatever they think is right to get selected. The ASTB numbers are far more important than the statement.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the feedback. I'm expecting the package to be rejected, yet I've been told that it looks good to submit a package more than once to show commitment (or that might be poor insight). I've already scanned the forum to see which study material and references are best for retaking the ASTB, so hopefully I'll acquire better scores the next time around.
repeated submissions with no improvement can lead to a DNR (do not return).

This advice is the bad advice that has been going around forever, not just for OCS but for CPO boards as well, the OCS boards care about best qualified. I have seen this several times but I had a specifically had a candidate high GPA, D1 sports, college leadership all around great candidate, had ASTB min (5 at the time), he was a N, retook rec'd 7, N again, retook last time and was 8 and then picked up.


Well-Known Member
As a civilian going through a recruiter, I have heard that you have no word limit.
There's a physical limit on the application, it's whatever you can fit into that particular section. if your statement still doesn't fit after trying all sorts of spacing hijinks you will need to trim it down.

Swoops 24

all of the questions, none of the answers
repeated submissions with no improvement can lead to a DNR (do not return).

This advice is the bad advice that has been going around forever, not just for OCS but for CPO boards as well, the OCS boards care about best qualified. I have seen this several times but I had a specifically had a candidate high GPA, D1 sports, college leadership all around great candidate, had ASTB min (5 at the time), he was a N, retook rec'd 7, N again, retook last time and was 8 and then picked up.

So the advice "repeated submissions with no improvement..." has been circulating for some time, thus giving bad gouge for those who would like to improve their scores for possible selection. If this is the case, I would be willing to resubmit the OCS package again after acquiring better scores.


Howdy y'all, hope you guys are doing well! Just wanted to drop my stats in here and keep up with the updates for this board.

Applying - NFO/AMDO
ASTB - 59/7/5/6 (1st attempt)
Age - 25
Degree - B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Physics
GPA - 3.069
Flight experience - None
LOR - Former professor, former work supervisor (x2)

I originally tried to go for the NUPOC program; I made it to the DC interview in January, but was ultimately not selected. On the bright side, almost all my paperwork was done anyway, so taking the ASTB and re-writing my motivational statement were all I needed to finish my package.

I'm a little worried that my FOFAR only met the minimum requirement, but I'm hoping the rest of my package looks good enough. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Well-Known Member
So the advice "repeated submissions with no improvement..." has been circulating for some time, thus giving bad gouge for those who would like to improve their scores for possible selection. If this is the case, I would be willing to resubmit the OCS package again after acquiring better scores.

Improvement is key, and when it comes to aviation that means increased ASTB scores.


Active Member
Howdy y'all, hope you guys are doing well! Just wanted to drop my stats in here and keep up with the updates for this board.

Applying - NFO/AMDO
ASTB - 59/7/5/6 (1st attempt)
Age - 25
Degree - B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Physics
GPA - 3.069
Flight experience - None
LOR - Former professor, former work supervisor (x2)

I originally tried to go for the NUPOC program; I made it to the DC interview in January, but was ultimately not selected. On the bright side, almost all my paperwork was done anyway, so taking the ASTB and re-writing my motivational statement were all I needed to finish my package.

I'm a little worried that my FOFAR only met the minimum requirement, but I'm hoping the rest of my package looks good enough. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Fellow Mizzou Grad here and AD AMDO. Feel free to shoot me a PM for any specific questions regarding the community, etc. Have you added appraisals to reflect your change in designators?


Well-Known Member
Hey Folks! Another refugee from the January board here, application got pushed for unknown reasons.
My stats:
Applying: SNA
ASTB: 65 8/8/8
Age: 22
Degree: Economics, ~3.5 GPA
Private Pilot

This waiting game is brutal but I'm excited to be going through it with you all!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

just got off with my OR with some terrible news. I’m physically DQed for SNA due to a slight conductive hearing loss. However he said I still qualify for NFO and SWO. I have another appointment with my audiologist on March 31st and she mentioned that my hearing loss could be fixed. I don’t know whether I should just submit my application for NFO and SWO now for this board to prevent my application from getting pushed back, like what happened to a lot of people in the January board. Or if should I wait it out and see if my hearing improves on March 31 and risk getting my application pushed back with a hope for the SNA slot still. Very torn on what I should do. I know the deadline for this board is mid April so I’m kind of cutting it close.