A god damn rollercoaster of topics and conversations since I've last checked in. I like it! lol
Well, my name wasn't listed on the at-board and I submitted on the 9th, and then on the 10th once I had some documents corrected. I reached out to the individual who post's the at-board list and even reached out to Mr. Celestin, the AD processor, and the response I got back was: even though I submitted on time before the NRC's deadline, which was the 11th of December, my application wasn't processed until the 16th. Applications have to be screened and approved/qualified before the NRC's deadline. This is probably why all the NRD's set their deadlines earlier. Oh well I suppose... However, there was some good in their responses. They said they did receive my application and that it will be seen for the next board, 24May2021. I do not have to resubmit anything, and that my application is in line for the next board. So, for those whose names aren't on the list, and aside from the glitches I read someone else post in here, perhaps your OR held your application purposely or they submitted it too late to be screened and deemed approved/qualifying before the NRC's deadline. I'm rooting for those whose names are on the at-board list and look forward to seeing you all in the fleet as Officers one day. Till then, I'm going to drive myself crazy wondering if I made board for Chief ?