Congrats to everyone who has gotten in, for those with unfortunate news don’t give up, I wasn’t selected the first time but keep striving. I don’t know if anyone wants this advice but something that helped me a lot is a site called to find very legit tutors and also LOOK UP PREVIOUS QUESTIONS THAT PEOPLE HAVE POSTED ON HERE. I saw multiple questions on my ASTB that were previously posted on here. I made a study group from the Aug board I was originally in and we all helped each other a lot as well, so reach out to others if you want. For the HOTAS section I played a lot of DCS but I heard War Thunder allows you to reverse the Axis’s like how the ASTB is. FaithByFlight on YouTube is a great guide to the test and I know he’s live streaming a lot to help and answer question. Good luck and can’t wait to meet some of you in person haha. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.