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Well-Known Member
Uhm....tempted.... Is anyone else slow though I haven’t ran in years and don’t want to be the outlier.

I'm picking up my running again after spending the last year trying to recover from plantar fasciitis (kept overdoing it as soon as my foot starting feeling better ??‍♀️) so don't worry, you won't be the outlier! I'll be posting my run tonight which I'm sure will make anyone look like a rockstar ? gotta start somewhere! 29054


Well-Known Member
I'm picking up my running again after spending the last year trying to recover from plantar fasciitis (kept overdoing it as soon as my foot starting feeling better ??‍♀️) so don't worry, you won't be the outlier! I'll be posting my run tonight which I'm sure will make anyone look like a rockstar ? gotta start somewhere! View attachment 29054
Do you have a roller? PF IS horrible...


Well-Known Member
A vest? I just run around with 20 lbs in my stomach....
Last year when I really started to run I was at 190 but now I’m down to 165. I hover between 165 and 170. I def could lose some more weight, but offset my running with eating whatever I want lol.

Snack Attack

Snack Attack
I'm picking up my running again after spending the last year trying to recover from plantar fasciitis (kept overdoing it as soon as my foot starting feeling better ??‍♀️) so don't worry, you won't be the outlier! I'll be posting my run tonight which I'm sure will make anyone look like a rockstar ? gotta start somewhere! View attachment 29054
I’m in the 12 minute category. No prior injuries just pure laziness lmao.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a roller? PF IS horrible...

I don't but I've been doing these yoga videos afterwards because I'm the worst at properly stretching afterwards. Something about stretching out the hips which then stretches the knees which then stretches the calves which then stretches the feet... So far it's really helped not flare anything back up so I'll keep on at it. Plus the chick has a really soothing voice, lil bonus ?