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31July2023 SNA/SNFO Board


I understand that there are biological differences between men and women. And that women need to train a certain way to prevent injuries. The point of my question was to see what training together as a group was like.

For example, are there group smoke sessions and are we all expected to do the same exercises for the same amount of time/reps? And if we can't keep up will there be more punishments?
If you're interested in the type of workouts, you can expect bodyweight HIIT. To be more specific look up NOFFS to get a better idea of exercises to expect.
There will be Instructional Training Exercise (ITE) to make corrections, it can be a group thing or an individual thing. It all depends on how the RDC is feeling.
When it comes to PT everyone is expected to put in the same effort; most workouts are 4-count exercises, so ten 4-count pushups are actually 20 pushups. You're expected to do your best to keep up with the pace as the person leading the PT, so don't be surprised when they decide to make those last reps be very, very slow, and don't quit.


Active Member
I spent 4 years with two different Marine Infantry Battalions. Group exercises are always the easiest PT. For those of you who have never taken a PRT, the rule of thumb is Max, Max, relax. Max out your push ups and planks and you can coast on your run and earn a really high score. I’ve had an Excellent High almost every single PRT over the last 9.5 years I’ve been in the Navy. If there is any PT to be concerned about, it should be any type of PT that is individual evaluation. At boot camp, there was individual IT (intensive training?) and that was always worse than group IT.


Well-Known Member
We thinking week after next?
The absolute earliest we’d hear back is this upcoming Tuesday (September 5), but that’s wishful thinking.
I’ve been telling myself not to expect anything until the week of September 25-29. Keeping my expectations in check lol.


Active Member
The absolute earliest we’d hear back is this upcoming Tuesday (September 5), but that’s wishful thinking.
I’ve been telling myself not to expect anything until the week of September 25-29. Keeping my expectations in check lol.
I did some calculations, if I was a betting man I would say ISSP finds out the 12th and us civilians will find out the 13th. But I’m planning on the end of the month so I’m not disappointed if it takes that long


Well-Known Member
I did some calculations, if I was a betting man I would say ISSP finds out the 12th and us civilians will find out the 13th. But I’m planning on the end of the month so I’m not disappointed if it takes that long
ISPP wont find out any faster. AD will find out typically faster by having access to the sharepoint.


Well-Known Member
“Accountability is a unique concept. The truth where we encounter the fact that we can blame nobody but ourselves.”