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Active Member
Got any advice on the reading portion?? All I did was Calc in college so I understand math pretty well. Reading honestly was the hardest part for the test because all answers seemed correct.
Sorry not really. I’m prior enlisted so I was used to the writing style. Maybe read military instructions and see if that helps.


SNA (Primary - VT-6)
Got any advice on the reading portion?? All I did was Calc in college so I understand math pretty well. Reading honestly was the hardest part for the test because all answers seemed correct.
You'll probably find more answers on the ASTB thread: https://www.airwarriors.com/communi...scores-ask-your-questions-here.28348/page-524

In my opinion though, you could probably read some GRE or LSAT prep questions. I've heard that the questions are similarly structured.


Well-Known Member
Got any advice on the reading portion?? All I did was Calc in college so I understand math pretty well. Reading honestly was the hardest part for the test because all answers seemed correct.
There is 1 very good gouge I found. Ill try to link it. But the reading portion was very "Navy Jargon Heavy" so I guess read some advanced materials. Ill try to find it for you.


Well-Known Member
For civilain flying experience, how did everyone put this in their package? I only have a few hours, but did you just scan your stuff in and send with the other attachments?
Got any advice on the reading portion?? All I did was Calc in college so I understand math pretty well. Reading honestly was the hardest part for the test because all answers seemed correct.
For reading I found using GRE prep reading sections to be beneficial. I was applying to grad school before taking the ASTB and I struggled a bit on the reading section so I used my GRE books and found them to be the closest thing compared to the ASTB. They are pretty cheap at half price books and amazon.


Well-Known Member
I was able to get my question answered by someone else. Surprised that there are multiple people from the Chicago area on this list - my recruiter made it sound like only 8 people from NTAG Great Lakes applied this board. None of us got SNA though :(
Who’s your OR? I know at least one or two got picked for NFO, but most were SWO or other designators.


Active Member
Just spoke with my recruiter (Spokane, WA) and he seems to think they're going to cancel the June/July Board. Has anyone else heard similar info?