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Well-Known Member
Im not here to crush hopes and dreams but to offer perspective. I started the application process in 2020 got in 2021 upon graduating college in the spring. I still haven’t gone to OCS. In that same time frame I have friends who have finished their masters, have earned promotions, have purchased a house, and have gotten married

I could be about a year away from applying for First Officer positions at a Major. Unfortunately I’ve had OCS dates dangled in front of me for a couple of years now and haven’t been able to commit to anything. Im currently unemployed, will soon be uninsured, and for the foreseeable future will be couch surfing because they pulled the rug out less than two weeks before I was supposed to fly out. I had my FINSEL, I swore in, I had hotel reservations, and my recruiter said I’d have a plane ticket by the end of the week.

You have to take into consideration the time commitment that this is and the sacrifices required before you even get a paycheck from big navy. While the old proverb, “Welcome to the Navy, hurry up and wait!” will always ring true, it’s even more so right now. I dont think the last 2-3 years have been a waste for me however, I could have done a whole lot more with my career during this time frame.

Since I was a kid I was dead set on being a 3rd generation naval aviator, but if I could go back 3 years I would have just gone the civilian aviation route and be making six figures right now like some of my buddies.

Waiting to class up in pcola sucks, but that time is at least working toward your 20 years if nothing else. Waiting to go to OCS after ceaseless delays? Fucking garbage.

Anyway, time to add another FINSEL to my collection. Gonna frame each one I get.
THIS. I've been in the process since before COVID. I just recently lost a serious girlfriend due to delays, nonselections, and having my life by on hold for all intensive purposes. Simply chose the dream over buying a wedding ring at her pace. I am coming up on the 1500 hour mark in flight hours as a flight instructor, and will most likely have it well before I get selected and go to OCS. This post sums the sacrifice up to a T. I'll probably hop on with a regional or a charter in the meantime order to not delay progress, but this process certainly isn't for the faint of heart. We are all in this together. I applaud all who stick it out and make the sacrifices. Surely it will be worth it. Keep your heads up lads. FLY NAVY


Well-Known Member
Man every time I come here there’s so much doom and gloom haha. Makes my heart race. As you guys know I turn 32 in May so with Jan not happening this is my one and only shot to be selected for SNA without an age waiver (at least without getting a waiver BEFORE selection, with how OCS shipment is going my recruiter has told me there’s a chance I’ll need to apply for one before OCS anyways). The more doom and gloom I read the more I wish I had also applied for SNFO as well, but I want to be a pilot so bad and don’t want to live with “what if?” for a 20 year career. I hope everyone else is doing ok. I do well for the most part because I mostly just focus on my family and ignore this, but the time crunch of my age and all the drama about whether or not this will even happen and overcoming my bad GPA just kills me sometimes. I’m so hopeful for this, and I keep praying not for luck, but for good favor in the process. Fly Navy and may the board commence and have favor on us all!


Well-Known Member
THIS. I've been in the process since before COVID. I just recently lost a serious girlfriend due to delays, nonselections, and having my life by on hold for all intensive purposes. Simply chose the dream over buying a wedding ring at her pace. I am coming up on the 1500 hour mark in flight hours as a flight instructor, and will most likely have it well before I get selected and go to OCS. This post sums the sacrifice up to a T. I'll probably hop on with a regional or a charter in the meantime order to not delay progress, but this process certainly isn't for the faint of heart. We are all in this together. I applaud all who stick it out and make the sacrifices. Surely it will be worth it. Keep your heads up lads. FLY NAVY
If they can’t support your dreams are they really for you? Material shouldn’t matter if they love you for you. At least you see what they are willing to endure for you. Head up brother. Your success is tight around the corner


Well-Known Member
At this point, it's out of our control. All you can do is give yourself options if shit doesn't go your way
Big facts. Y’all just gotta stay busy and occupy your time. Easier said than done trust me. Been a two year plus process for me as well with hella curve balls. Imagine the same people asking you how your package is going damn near every day. It gets taxing. Chin up chest out people.


Well-Known Member
Well damn, was originally told FY 24, someone in my area dropped and my recruiter put in for me to take his OCS Class date this upcoming January, wondering if that's still a possibility at this point lol


Well-Known Member
Well damn, was originally told FY 24, someone in my area dropped and my recruiter put in for me to take his OCS Class date this upcoming January, wondering if that's still a possibility at this point lol
Not impossible. My recruiter told me that if I’m selected I need to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice because he’s going to push for any open spots due to my age


SNA Board Applicant
I was looking at the spreadsheet, and I feel like people were getting Pro Rec Y with such a range of ASTB scores and GPA. Kind of makes me wonder if anyone can actually feel confident about getting selected...

I thought I was sitting pretty, and then I looked at the spreadsheet and got a healthy dose of humility?


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
I was looking at the spreadsheet, and I feel like people were getting Pro Rec Y with such a range of ASTB scores and GPA. Kind of makes me wonder if anyone can actually feel confident about getting selected...

I thought I was sitting pretty, and then I looked at the spreadsheet and got a healthy dose of humility?
what are your scores?