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Another "praise the Raptor" article

P.S. I believe the current buy is 186.[/quote]

Thanks for the update that number seems to change weekly.:icon_mi_1

And your probably right on how they intend to prove getting more of them but honestly the three big things right now for the AF is
#1 - Tankers
#2 - F22's / F-35's
#3 - A new heavy bomber development program.

At $120-160 million a piece that isn't going to leave much for the other "Necessary" programs.


Solidly part of the 42%.
At $120-160 million a piece that isn't going to leave much for the other "Necessary" programs.

Just fund all of the other "necessary" programs first and then go back and beg for more money because now they don't have any money for new weapon systems. I don't hate'em for it. You gotta have somewhere to play golf.


Registered User
I'm pretty sure the rhino was only in a close in engagement with the raptor because the raptor let it get that close for "training purposes". Thats just pure speculation however. Single F-22's have defeated multiple(3-5) F-16's and F-15's in exercises without it being visually aquired. Its a great jet and I'm glad we have it on our side.


I'm pretty sure the rhino was only in a close in engagement with the raptor because the raptor let it get that close ...
Yeah, right ... just like the Nellis FWS in their pretty F-15's with their pretty-boy faces and their pretty ascots with their pretty GCI-controllers "only" let the ugly, drippy, oily ol' Navy Reserves in their 'ol A-4's "get close" to them .... for "training purposes" .... :) (now where IS that "roll eyes" icon, anyway ... ??? )



Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
All this BVR crap is great, but what about when ROE mandates visual target ID?

What now?
:eek: :eek: ROE gets us again. :eek:

BTW, on that retired-before-its-time (RBIT-F-14, which also could ID early), one of my favorite and always used switches was the HUD "De-clutter" switch. I already knew how to fly and fight, and if I needed help, a good RIO is worth 20 HUD's anyday! :D


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
All this BVR crap is great, but what about when ROE mandates visual target ID?

What now?

Well, the USAF answer is "blah blah blah electronic ID..."

We always talk about any number of BVR ID tools from the good old Tomcat TCS to the more advanced... but does any 4-star want to be the one explaining why 200 civilians died because a stray 'tron caused one of his F(not A)-22s to think an Airbus was a Sukhoi?? HRmmm...

And all that BVR stuff doesn't matter if the guy trying to kill you is in a viscap in a valley waiting for you to fly overhead... anyone been to Fallon recently?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Will there be a merge...with a F-22?

And all that BVR stuff doesn't matter if the guy trying to kill you is in a viscap in a valley waiting for you to fly overhead... anyone been to Fallon recently?

A4s will surely tell his tales, but I flew my ass off for 2 weeks with VA-127 in a TA-4J adversary and many of missions were VISCAP and it NEVER failed to attrite unwary strikers.

@MB, look at the big "fighter savvy" brain on you!!! You are exactly right... "Will there be a merge?" Answer: no matter you're packing weapons or electronic "aids" or AEW support, there are certain situations (like ROE) that will force you into the merge (or at least WVR).


Well-Known Member
@MB, look at the big "fighter savvy" brain on you!!! You are exactly right... "Will there be a merge?" Answer: no matter you're packing weapons or electronic "aids" or AEW support, there are certain situations (like ROE) that will force you into the merge (or at least WVR).

It behooves those that fly slow aircraft that cant shoot back to know how the others may be trying to kill you.

When you lack offensive power, and speed, brains is all you got going for you.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
All this BVR crap is great, but what about when ROE mandates visual target ID?

What now?
Absolutely a good question. With the exception of red/free at WP1, I don't see how a VID wouldn't be mandatory.


Cereal Killer
I will agree with you to a certain point on all the topics you listed but what is your answer for the statement above?

We currently have 530+/- F-15's in active and reserve status, if we only replace them with 120 F-22 what is going to fill in the gap, the F-35??? Not nearly the same type or quality of aircraft as the F-22, by this I am referring to range, TOT, payload, etc..

BTW - This is not an attack just a question I have been asking for some time now and would like to see his answer, or anyone else's for that matter on how you replace the capabilities of 500 a/c with only 120

I don't think 120 (or 186) is enough. I think we need more than 4 or 5 squadrons. The idea of the Hi/Low mix of the F-22/F-35 just like the F-15/F-16 would work nicely. It would be ideal if every F-15 squadron transitioned to the F-22. And of course, the more F-22s we buy, the cheaper each one really is.

I think that as the F-15 gets old and needs to replaced we will be looking at a whole different F-35 similar to how the Block 50/52 Viper is a totally different animal than the Block 1. A lot of that will have to be addressed and unfortunately we will have to decide how deep our pockets will go to get us the best advantage. Will the Brass think that a lesser amount of Raptors will do an adequate job with more F-35s? That will depend upon the capability of the "block 30" F-35. Right now as it stands, the answer is no, so we have to deepen our pockets to get what we want. So I guess the bottom line is that I think the F-35 will evolve eventually into something that will work for what we need it to.

A perfect example of this: For a few years the NEAD Det at Langley was manned by block 15 ADF Vipers, yet the 1FW has F-15s that could see 3x farther with their radars? Would an F-15 be a better player in this role? Yes, but money (and some politics of the 1st AF) says the Viper is good enough.

Does this help in getting at what I'm thinking?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
...blah, blah, blah....

Does this help in getting at what I'm thinking?

Well, I suppose only you would know what you are thinking so therefore, only you can answer that question......